19 thoughts on “June 12, 2024: TLTL”

  1. Today is 10 years since my sister passed away. I wrote a little blurb over on FB that I'm going to drop here too, since the reflection veers a bit into something a bit more universal.


    It's been 10 years since Anna passed. The moment has become such a marker in my life - a time that I remember so vividly, a time that changed things so much.
    I've been aware of this anniversary approaching for months, but somehow the closer we've gotten to it, the less prepared I've been for it. I keep forgetting the ideas I've had for things I want to write or say. I kept losing track of the days. I don't feel ready - I just need more time.

    Maybe that's right on the money. Even ten years later, I just feel like I need more time. I want to go back in time and have more or it. More time spent with Anna. More time on the waitlist for lungs. Even more time at the funeral - I remember sitting there during Communion and wanting it to stretch on forever so that church wouldn't end.

    I've started to feel this in my own life a lot lately too - the clock is ticking as our kids grow up. Soon they'll move on. The time goes fast and every week there are things I mean to get to that I just haven't yet. I'm getting older, and there are plenty of things I haven't done with my life that I want to.

    There just isn't enough time.

    So I guess we do our best, and try to enjoy the time we do have. I love where we are in life and have been trying to soak in all the time with the kids. We'll keep making plans to get to some of those things on the list. I'll keep hope that someday I'll get to that big life list...

    And for Anna, I'll keep celebrating the time we did have. It pops up in strange places now and then, and I love it. Little memories here or there. A glimpse of her in my kids (there was an old video of Cam rolling his eyes the other day - what a reminder of Anna!). Trying to live with courage.

    And while I'll celebrate that time we did have, I'll keep mourning that there just wasn't more. 10 years later, I think that's the lesson. There can never be enough time.

      1. I was fifteen minutes late. Got in the queue and had tickets available but forgot to enter presale code on previous screen. Went to enter and put me back in the queue.

    1. Poor Louie, pulled with a low pitch count after five innings of tossing one-hit ball. Rocco lost that game last night the minute he pulled his starter.

        1. It is easy to say what opponents have batted off him when facing him for the third time, in only 15 PAs: .353/.389/.706. Basically the same as batters facing him the second time in the game.

          Or by pitches, grouped by 25:

          Split PA BA OBP SLG
          Pitch 1-25 30 .200 .333 .240
          Pitch 26-50 30 .407 .433 .667
          Pitch 51-75 29 .333 .414 .625
          Pitch 76-100 16 .267 .313 .667

          Sure looks like a future reliever.

          1. I thought he looked very promising as a reliever last year.

            I am a little surprised at the DFA for Castillo. He seems like he has good potential.

            Didn't realize he was in his age-30 season, however. Ok, then.

  2. I met our next foster dog today. Her name is Lyra, about a year old and 40 pounds, black over brown coat with a bit of white here and there. She looks like a German Shepherd and cattle dog mix, big pointy ears, pretty brown eyes, short feathered haunches, high-set upper paw pads and dewclaws on all her legs (those are cattle dog traits). She was a real sweetheart and got along great with Will, they were chasing each other around after just a few minutes of sniffing about. I'm picking her up and bringing her home on Friday.

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