It's always fun when you're watching something and you see the moment of a meme and you go "Ooo!" and point at it just like the Leo/Once Upon A Time In... Hollywood meme. In this case, I was watching the first season of True Detective and noticed the moment of the McConaughey desperately puffing a cigarette meme.

I had this moment a few months ago when I finally decided to watch Predator for the first time and saw the two strong arms coming together meme.
The Army of Darkness boomstick scene popped up on my Reels a couple of days ago, I never get tired of that one.
Runner daughter and I are prone to Rick and Morty quotes/memes...

I walked through the living room while the kids were watching Arrested Development the other day. I love the one where George Michael collapses on the carpet.
Paddack was put on the IL and his Thursday start is still listed as TBD. It just might be Festa making his debut.
So, Festa is ripe for a DFA?
Weird. The Diamondbacks have been in MLB more than a quarter century now but I still think of them as an expansion team.
I think it's a combination of when it happened (e.g. you were a younger) plus there not being any expansion since. I bet something similar will happen for the Athletics.
Wait, what? We are gonna think of the As as an expansion club?
I mean it's going to be years until I no longer think of them as the Oakland A's.
Question for Cities folk: the neighbor & son and I plan to fly up to attend the Cards series towards the end of August; I think we'd like to sample seating in different parts of the park. Any suggestions? Do we look for a hotel downtown-ish or along either light rail line (Hilton or Hyatt flavors)? Good places to eat or hang out outside of game time? I'm putting the team on notice not to embarrass me in front of NL-cheering heathens.
I like most seats in the park. I'd say my least favorite are outfield upper deck. Too steep.
I'd also pay attention to sun placement in relation to seats.
Legends Club is probably my favorite but don't sit in the first three rows. Safety bar right in the line of vision.
The only places I really disliked were left field upper deck (can't see the final 20 feet of the outfield, so don't get to see what happens to deep fly balls), and those seats right above the old scoreboard in right center (noticeably less leg room than elsewhere).
I generally sit around either section 125 or 104 depending on which is more comfortable any given day with the weather conditions (sun and wind). Of course, my purchased ticket is never in either of those sections...
As for hotels, there are some decent ones closer to US Bank Stadium that are a quick 3 stops or so from the ballpark. Also hotels near the University that are then about 4-5 LRT stops away.
Lots of of eating/drinking opportunities in the Warehouse District (North Loop) that are walkable to the ballpark and the LRT station. Both for eating or just hanging out. Much more so than downtown and a lot more fun/catering to fans.
Thanks guys!
Main concourse level between foul poles is all great seating. For day games I recommend anything on the third base side of the park to avoid the sun and get the nice city view. Out of town fans generally congregate behind the third base dugout, either in the dugout box (which has a private lounge under the stands) or 100-level sections. Main concourse is where most of the best food is. If you want to splurge the Thrivent Club has restaurant quality concessions, indoor and outdoor seating and a lot of the club history artifacts, along with the press box and broadcast booth. I like the 200-level sections down around 220-224, near the escalator for quick access to main concourse food, small sections without many stairs (some are only 4-5 rows with an ADA section behind). Notable spots to check out include Hrbek's and Tony O's Cuban Sandwich shop by gate 14, the Town Ball Tavern in left field on the club level (they have the original Lakers hardwood floor from the old Minneapolis Armory and some cool town ball history). My list of food faves includes Kramarczuk's (I like the Polish, the wife likes the cheddar brats) between gates 29 and 34, the Original Fried Chicken in centerfield, the Red Cow burgers near the left field foul pole, kosher hotdogs behind the left field bleachers, La Tapatia tacos and the popcorn if it's freshly popped. And malt cups, if you can find them.
I forgot the Murray's steak sandwiches, which I only had once because they're spendy but they are good.
The Wolves want to win NOW. I was planning to watch the Draft half-heartedly until they got to pick 27, but there they are with a trade for #8. So help me, I’m already antsy for the 24-25 season.
He could be great with this team. Plus we still have the original #1 pick. Connelly was worth every dollar.
The Athletic's view:
First day of our vacation and international data/calling goes down worldwide on all major carriers. Perfect