I've been trying to find a room near a big festival while I'm in Japan. I found one at a decent place, but I noticed if switched the website over to its English version, that room was not available anymore, but when you switch it back to Japanese it suddenly was available again. Hmm...

Happy new Sturgill day.
Now I'm even more upset with myself for not getting tickets to see him.
Is this a safe space to opine that I think the new Sturgill album is at best just meh? That ending guitar solo is pretty sweet however. New Deer Tick ep however is fantastic. Check that out too.
I've heard good things about the Deer Tick EP.
I've listened to the new Sturgill twice in the background while working. Didn't hate it or love it. Too early for me to have a real opinion.
Don’t feel too bad. I tried three different ways to secure tickets and struck out. They were in high demand.
Late game tonight, 9:15 pm CDT start. I might watch this one on the bedroom TV, it will be more efficient when I fall asleep in the late innings.
I always preferred falling asleep with the ear bud in, although it was Herb on the play-by-play back then
File under “you hate to see it:” Giants regret not signing Correa.
Guess who's going to have a great series?
Should be fun. Tonight is also the Joe Ryan homecoming experience.
Your peeps are in town, Rhu.
Yes indeed - say "hi" to Ed
Warning, grab the tissues before watching.