July 24, 2024: #$%@

I've got like a pinched nerve or something, and moving in certain ways is literally a giant pain (getting up from a supine position is the worst). I remember seeing a study somewhere that said using/muttering/yelling curse words was more effective for dealing with pain than using non-curse words in the same context. Honestly, getting in and out of the car, it seems to work a little bit. At least it feels worse when I can't use this strategy if the kids are with me.

34 thoughts on “July 24, 2024: #$%@”

      1. 7s has always started way before the opening ceremonies, and if the team does really poorly, the athletes' Olympics are over before the opening ceremonies, which I think is just pure BS

      1. Oh, buddy, that is not a killing.

        A beating yes, a killing no

        (And no, there is no mercy rule besides the dominant team not wanting to wear themselves out too much)

  1. Joe, that sounds a lot like the pain I had when I was diagnosed with bulging discs in my back. I suggest you have it checked out, because if it is, it's not going to get better by itself.

      1. Is the pain centered on your back or is it offset to one side or the other? I have sacroiliitis that flares up here and there, when it's bad it can nearly lock my back up, and it also feels like a bad nerve pinch. My right side seems to get it worse and more often than the left.

        1. Could also be sciatica. I had that earlier this year and it was hard to stand up for nearly any length of time. I've been able to make it better through stretches and bends (lie flat on stomach and stretch torso up and back). It's not perfect, but it's been better.

      2. I have battled low back pain for the past 15 years or so. Tried to handle it myself, with some help from my Physical Therapist/Wife. I finally, decided a year or so ago to see a friend who is a chiropractor. He is big on stretches and exercises to avoid reinjury. After a few months of fix/reinjure/fix again, we decided that I should just come in twice a month. I pay $65/month and that includes 2 adjustments, and 1 treatment. Honestly, I was skeptical, but it sure has reduced my back pain and tightness. I am sure part of it is just me being more aware of keeping myself stretched out however, I have a newfound respect for Chiropractors. I would guess my 30-60 minute morning walks are probably helping as well.

        1. Whatever works. I know that some people swear by it. But I am not a fan of manipulations.

          I've been dealing with back pain since I was a kid, due to a congenital defect (spondylolisthesis). It was rarely a problem in h.s. when I was lifting heavy and throwing the shot. But grad school stress (and junior faculty stress) tied me up in knots.

          I've had steroid injections (never any relief), been on various pain killers, done PT and done pressure points massage. The latter was able to get my muscles to relax enough to be able to do PT.

          But the long-term for me has been stress reduction, exercise, stretching, adequate sleep, OTC pain meds and ice. It's a management issue.

          I learned a lot from Stuart McGill's book, The Back Mechanic. Finding the right exercise and stretches has been a process.

    1. I had a great post for the game last night, right field corner. It was a classic pitchers' duel with some fine defensive plays on both sides. 31,000+ for a Tuesday night game is a pretty good gate, the ballpark has been plenty full since the AS break.

  2. Brock Stewart and David Festa back up, Diego Castillo is designated for assignment or release, and Ronny Henriquez is optioned back to St. Paul. Royce Lewis began his rehab assignment with the Saints last night.

    1. The irony being that Cleveland took the Indians name because they had Indians on the team and opponents were using the name as a pejorative.

  3. In the five home games since the All-Star break, against National League teams, the Twins average attendance was 34,599. Target Field has a seating capacity of 39, 504.

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