34 thoughts on “August 25, 2024: Countdown”

  1. I’m not as active as I once was because I’m more active in life than I once was. Sorry to circle back to topics already beaten , but is a waffle around a burger a sandwich?

    We’re headed to the great get together Saturday. I’m eating that burger sando or not. I saw mixed feeling for the fair in other days commentary. If you’ve been this year what was new / worth seeing? What’s the go to food stuff?

    I love the fair. It had been years since I’d made it because not living there, but going last year for the D4 show started a tradition that I hope will mean a yearly pilgrimage.

    1. Fair was fun, but I don't have a need to go again. The county fair had much of the same (in FAR less quantity/variety) and was easier to get to, free entry, and a lot less crowded. Glad I went, though.

      Entertaining to see opposite political poles ignoring each other on the express bus.

      1. I don't think so. That was 100% on Julien throwing it into left field. Julien making the throw puts the Cardinals at two outs. versus one out with both runners in scoring position.

      2. I pointed out to the kids that he made two mistakes: a mental one and a physical one. Mentally, you need to know to get the sure out at first if you might not get the lead runner. You're home and you have Duran pitching with 2 outs in that case

                    1. Seriously, it should have been made -- he had already took time to pivot his feet before throwing. Fermin is dead meat. The shortstop is set; he didn't need to make an accurate throw, he just needed to throw it within his reach.

                    2. The ball was hit right to him. Julien had time to set to field the grounder, it took a bit of a weird hop but he still fielded it cleanly, and then he repositioned his feet for the throw. Should he have better set his feet for the throw? Yes but he had the time to adjust, did so, and should have made the throw no matter what. Farmer could not be more ready to catch and attempt to turn the double play.

                    3. I mean, I would have been fine with him getting the lead runner, if he could actually get him. But you absolutely have to get an out there. We do not lose the game if he throws to first.

          1. Here's a clip from the broadcast right after the ball passes Farmer. Fermín is close but not that close and the ball has already passed by where Farmer would have caught it.

            Clip from 2024 game 130 showing the ball easily beating Fermín to second base with an on target throw

      3. Brooks Lee is 4-for-8 with a home run and two doubles in his first two rehab games. When he comes up, Julien seems like the logical choice to go down.

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