September 19, 2024: All In The Game

It seems like I'm the only one in the family that appreciates the more gamey meats. I'm not even talking anything crazy, just like lamb and bison. The kids I can kind of understand, but the wife really doesn't like it. Well, more for me I guess (though that means if I want to cook it, I've got to eat it all)?

26 thoughts on “September 19, 2024: All In The Game”

  1. I don't hunt myself but I've know a lot of hunters in my life so I've had a pretty wide sampling of wild game. I still prefer commercial meats, but I'm willing to sample most things from the field.

  2. I love lamb, goat, duck, goose, frog, and venison. Camel was pretty good, but I haven’t had it in twenty years; I’d welcome another sampling. Boar is tasty. Bison is okay but doesn’t make a huge splash. Ostrich is delicious; my grandfather raised them, so I’ve been eating it since childhood. Pheasant’s okay, an occasional diversion. Rabbit is too much effort for too little payoff. Haven’t had enough elk or gator to form a strong opinion. Not sure if I’ve ever had quail. Haven’t had moose. Haven’t had bear and I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t want to.

    1. When I was in high school a neighbor who never cooked went hunting for the first time and got a bear. They gave us a bunch of the meat, since they weren't going to do anything with it. I remember a roast being fine and bear stew was very good, but the bear chili was awful. Terrible to the point that it is still a comparison for my family, as in "That [insert dish here] was bad, but nowhere near as bad as that bear chili."

    1. Everything has gone wrong. In this series, the bats went silent combined with the bullpen blowing all three games.

      Mostly it's been the relievers but the starters have also regressed outside of López.

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