9 thoughts on “September 20, 2024: 50/50”

        1. This is the dead land
          This is cactus land
          Here the stone images
          Are raised, here they receive
          The supplication of a dead man's hand
          Under the twinkle of a fading star.

  1. 51/51, but with nine games remaining, 55/55 seems within reach and 60/60 not out of the question.

    This Ohtani story is so much better than the one which began the season. I’m not prepared to say he’s unequivocally the best ever just yet because we still don’t know enough about Martín Dihigo, Bullet Rogan, or even Josh Gibson to give them a fair shot at the title. But I’m comfortable saying he’s probably the best player I’ll ever see and the best since the “Golden Era.”

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