September 26, 2024: One LA’st Dance

Pour one out for the long suffering A's fans and the last game in their home park.

33 thoughts on “September 26, 2024: One LA’st Dance”

  1. Word of advice: If you're wondering if you should have ponied up and bought a ticket for Sturgill last night, don't watch the videos from the show. Full of regret today.

    1. I was watching them as they were posted in real time. I already shot my concert budget for this year and am genuinely happy with all the shows I made it to. Based solely on what I was able to watch of Sturgill on social last night, I would trade the weak RHCP performance at the Yacht Club Festival 10/10 times.

    2. The people who sat next to me showed up five songs late. The lady asked me mid-song to tell her what songs they missed and I told her to look it up online today. They left probably four songs later.

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