I realized that, thanks to credit cards having a chip in them these days, credit card commercials can now show the celebrity's name on the card in a much less awkward way then sliding a credit card through a machine the wrong way.

I realized that, thanks to credit cards having a chip in them these days, credit card commercials can now show the celebrity's name on the card in a much less awkward way then sliding a credit card through a machine the wrong way.
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Funny when people give you coins back in change, the odds are decreasing that you will ever get the same value from them - most banks won’t take coins now, and the machines that do give you anything back charge ~12.5% svc fee. I’m surprised we haven’t already retired the penny.
This would surprise me:
I wonder how many other teams have their last four managers all won Manager of the Year?
I know Rocco isn't all that, but I'm okay with him. So, who would you consider next in line?
I'm ok with Rocco but I thought they'd fire him to take the focus off ownership.
Sorry, was directing the general question at everyone, not just you. You make a good point though.
It seems to me, after this collapse, that it's going to be hard to generate much interest in the team over the winter if they bring back the same old crew. They'll use injuries as an excuse, and there's some validity to that, but at the same time, everybody has injuries. Some teams try to build in enough depth to withstand injuries; other teams sign Manuel Margot and cross their fingers. Rocco made some questionable moves, but there were times when he didn't have a whole lot of good options.
Looks like Falvey is safe as well.
Well, the Vikings are doing their part sweeten the sour taste of the end of the Twins season.
Ahh, there are the Vikings I know
and love.I like that Gleeman is now in a position to ask these questions.
Well those answers are a load of horse manure.
It's not even a high grade of horse manure. He basically didn't say anything.
Yeah, the answers are pointless, I’m just glad the question is being asked.
I mean, sure, but Joe is still laughing all the way to the bank.
While Joe Pohlad has mastered the art of taking no responsibility for his family’s "leadership" decisions , he offered no alternative explanation that complicates judging this failure as one of his family’s own making.
I am genuinely surprised Gleeman got to ask him any questions. This felt like a "we're gonna hide in a bunker/no access" off-season...
RIP Kris.