I stopped by a gas station later in the evening. After the young lady rang me up, I saw her start speaking to someone. As I walked out, I saw it was to another employee that was squatting behind the counter. I glanced over and it was this hipster looking guy that was eating Spam straight from the can with a fork. Not sure if I'd seen that before.

One early morning after bar closing in college I stopped at 7-11 and bought a burrito, but their microwave was busted so I ate it cold. It was pretty awful.
So looking through Cot's the Twins sure seem to have a lot of one-year contract guys. Kepler and Santana are free agents, most of the rest are young guys under team control but eligible for arbitration. I assume we've seen the last of guys like Farmer and Margot, but some others, like Jax and Ober, should be in line for a decent raise. It will be interesting to see what the FO does with so many contracts to negotiate before next year knowing ownership's hopes for selling the team.
Bud Selig, philanthropist. That's how I always think of him, for sure.
Skubal still cooking with gas in the 5th.
As soon as I type that....
Shit. All my fault.
You'll be cheering NYY, right??
If that is my role, yes.
You're a good man, Citizen.
Aww, Joe Schultz!
The David Fry single just before the hit batter was every stupid Cleveland game in a nutshell.
Well, the best team won. I'll be rooting for the Gourds to squash the Yankmes and then win the W.S.
Spain was a solid trip. I did battle a crappy head/chest cold throughout, but it was fun nonetheless. My favorite part of these trips overseas is the architecture. Old buildings in old neighborhoods that are often kept up very well despite their age. I will say the food was a little underwhelming. I was expecting more spice, more heat. For the most part, Spanish food is bland.
For the most part, Spanish food is bland.
Funny you should mention this, our Exhibition Designer is from Spain and she is constantly ripping Spanish food for being plain. I jokingly told her that Spain must be the Minnesota of Europe.
I think European food is bland for the most part. The food in Germany was bland. I definitely gravitate towards cuisines from almost all other parts of the world. I especially have been getting into Korean and Chinese foods (not so much Chinese food served in the Midwest). At the joint we have been dabbling in more authentic Korean, Chinese, and Mexican foods. I have spent hours upon hours researching those cuisines and we have been featuring some pretty cool stuff on our menu. My favorite right now is a Chinese BBQ sauce that we came up with. Used it on some pork belly for a bao buns appetizer and recently ran a Chinese BBQ sticky pork rib entree. Some of the Mexican menu items we have run have been a big hit with our Hispanic employees. They say we are more authentic than the Mexican food joints around here.
Only a couple European dishes still jump out at me from memory (pizzoccheri in Milan, the goulash in Prague), but I did find their drinks to be more inventive.
I think European food is bland for the most part.
And thus starts the history of colonization.
hey -- Spice Trade!