I have my phone set to dark mode, and a recent update apparently caused all my app icons to turn to into dark mode versions as well which is causing hell with my recognition of the tiny icons by colors.

I have my phone set to dark mode, and a recent update apparently caused all my app icons to turn to into dark mode versions as well which is causing hell with my recognition of the tiny icons by colors.
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I was out in the yard with the dogs last night and heard a scream coming from one of the houses behind us. It was so loud I thought it must be a coyote or mountain lion attacking someone’s pet. Then I heard cheers break out around the neighborhood, followed immediately by fireworks from all directions.
Thats when I figured out it meant the Dodgers won.
Not a Dodgers fan at all, but I really do like seeing this happen to the Yankees! On another note, the Wild were due for a shit game today and they sure got it!
My colleague checked themselves into an inpatient rehab facility yesterday with the help of his graduate advisor who is a recovering addict. This is the best possible outcome at this moment. I’m relieved that he didn’t harm himself or someone else and that he’s being cared for.
That's good news
Great news. Sounds like he has a supportive boss, also.
Good news.
Early voting turnout is gung-ho in our county.