14 thoughts on “November 17, 2024: Extended Version”

  1. Aquinas just finished the books, and we're trying to figure out when we have enough time to watch them.

    1. I'm planning to watch them all again with my daughters between Christmas and New Year. I took them to all three films in the theater as they came out so it's a bonding thing for us.

    1. I recently re-watched extended versions too. Man Fellowship is amazing. Just think how far it goes from beginning to end.

      1. Perfect movies. I just wished my kids had the patience to sit and watch them with me. Ah well, maybe someday.

    2. We are fortunate that our kids both love the movies enough to sit through the extended versions. Probably once per year we will take a full day and just watch them all back to back to back. I think I have seen each movie at least 15 times.

    1. Forgot to add, it's amazing that Grayson Allen—after already being extremely unlikable—now looks exactly like Ted Cruz.

  2. I finished reading the peperoncino The Hobbit about a week ago. I'd read it when I was a kid but had forgotten nearly everything, so it was fun to find out what happened right along with him. And it's a good one to read aloud.

  3. Younger Daughter was complaining about some hesitation and near stalling when coming to a stop in her Outback. Based on the symptoms two things seemed possible - a dirty throttle body or a bad torque converter. The former is about a fifteen dollar fix with a can of solvent cleaner and a gasket, the latter somewhere between $1800 and $2400. So I took off the throttle body and it was caked in carbon on the back side. Cleaned it up real good, put it back together and we took it for a long test drive. I'm pretty sure the problem is solved and the transmission is fine. Knock on wood.

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