November 27, 2024: Broken

I wasn't as against the KAT trade as others were/are. I hated to lose him, but the numbers of the deal made a bit of sense. That said, man, the Wolves are just missing something right now. It's not that hard to make the connections.

11 thoughts on “November 27, 2024: Broken”

  1. As the resident trade hater here, I won't lie, I am hoping they miss the playoffs similar to how I was not upset the Twins did this season. This one's for how the media-sphere in the TC area treated KG and KAT, made worse by that media-sphere being owned by the rotting head of the franchise, who should, always and forever, be be blamed for everything bad that's happened. No amount of keeping the franchise from moving makes up for the incredible incompetence thereafter.

    I can't bring myself to actually root for the Knicks and Thibs, but I hope KAT has an MVP level season.

  2. I'm with HJ. I always looked at the trade as a way to keep NAW and Naz beyond this season. The hope being that Randle and DDV would be good enough to maintain what they'd done last year.

    Now, I can't stand Randle and the roster is flawed when they don't have a point guard in the game. I think Dillingham needs 25 minutes per game.

    There was always a good chance that Conley would regress off of last season.

  3. I should have known this would happen. The minute I start to take interest in a professional sports franchise the big swirl begins.

  4. So I was digging around in the computer closet and found my Latitude E6410 that I had maxed out on upgrades. Hadn't thought about it since I got my ThinkPad X1 a few years ago. Booted it up, it's running Windows 10. Checked compatibility with Win 11 and it says no go, only a dual core processor and I lack a couple of hardware technology requisites like TPM. But I found a couple of ways to bypass the hardware compatibility checks when installing Win 11, either by doing a registry edit during the install or by using the Win 10 installer executable in the Win 11 ISO. Replacing that one file is all it takes, so I'm going to try that out. I also got the T61 maxed out on Win 10 updates and I got the 1GB Radeon video card in the docking station to work again (driver issue, of course) so I have HDMI output to my monitor or TV, but that one's getting reverted to Windows XP and turned into an offline old-school gamer.

  5. To distract myself from the current world situation and the state of Minnesota men’s professional sports I decided to make my own bokken for aikido practice. Why would I do this when there are a plethora of Japanese made wooden swords available all over the interwebs?!?

    I don’t know.

    But I do know that I love a challenge. I bought a very nice practice sword from Japan as my model. Modifications have already been made to the template. Now I need to source domestic hickory (as the hardest, least shatter resistant, and only “straightenable” known hardwood.

    This is a classic kind of project for me. I will obsess, learn, whittle, prototype, and finish one sword and will have spent quadruple the cost of a custom bokken for the same result. If the pattern holds, someone will ask me to buy one and I’ll just send them a link to Seido’s web store.

        1. Of course typing on phone equals poor word choice and lack of editing…..

          Someone will offer to buy one from me and I’ll just nah. Also, the totally hand made version I linked to is beyondo what I’ll eventually make. Maybe a series of posts about how much I’ll invest to save 120 bucks.

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