As I mentioned, it was just the family at home for the holiday. For funsies, I've never really made a wide slate of traditional-ish Thanksgiving foods before, so I gave it a shot. It turned out... okay. Nothing was bad, most it pretty good, but there were some technical errors for sure. It's a good thing I had gone to Costco recently though because I went though a whole lot more butter than I was expecting.
How'd your meals turn out?
(I don't think there's any question, but just in case, I did not cook the food in that picture. )
Brined, then smoked, Turkey breast was my best attempt yet. Yes... way more butter every year than I anticipate. My mash, stuffing, and gravy was adequate but not of my best efforts. I did sautee fresh green beans and peppers in gochujang, raw local honey and lime juice. Didnt really fit with the meal but it was good! I am making a ghost pepper and habenero hot sauce right now. Using smoked and dried peppers from last year that I found today.
Heavenly Ham came through once again with their smoked turkey.
Main sides are currently my department. I made enough stuffing to fill a 16 x 13 roaster — at least 15 lbs total — plus 3/4 gallon of gravy and 8 lbs of mashed potatoes. I didn’t make a “side bird” (duck, pheasant, other game bird) this year because something had to give between the full time job and 2/3 time student. Every year I get a little more efficient with the sides, and the Poissonnière helped with the stuffing prep this year.
I hear you on butter consumption, hj. Stuffing takes three sticks to par-cook the ingredients and grease the pans, gravy took 2.25 sticks, mashed potatoes took three sticks. I typically keep about 8lbs of unsalted in the garage freezer and replenish at Costco as needed, which will be the next trip I make out there. (I also need to replenish my Topo Chico reserves.)
Frankly, all I need at the meal is stuffing and gravy; the rest of the food is a curiosity or an attractive nuisance.
Popeyes didn't disappoint. Friends made the sides (though I noted that Popeyes also had sides....). Dr. Chop's pecan pie was to die for. Truly a delight. (and her first ever made from scratch pie crust which was divine) Went to both the real race track and the human horse race, ate well and hit a hot tub. I'm kinda tired today...... (well, that's the whiskey's fault....).
If we stay home again next year, I might just do this and add a bit on to the sides. There's one just down the road after all.
I loves me some Popeye's, but the food just barely tops the deficient post-pandemic service/ownership now; there isn't a real winner among the three near us *sad face*
The last several years I've bought the smallest turkey available because it was only the two adults that ate any. This year the oldest also ate enough that next year I'll get a small one rather than the smallest possible. I need the leftovers to last longer than 48 hours.
I forgot to mention this. I was quite pleased with my leftovers recipe: Mashed potato and turkey latkes! Little bit of creamed spinach in there as well. What was your leftovers crowning achievement?
I tried making mashed potato fritters one year, but they didn't turn out great. They tasted good, but not much different from just eating mashed potatoes, so not worth the effort t for me.
We ate grilled cheese and soup while camping on Thanksgiving, so no leftovers for us this year. But the best leftover use I've had is my brother-in-law makes turkey gumbo with the bones, including from a smoked turkey one year. That was amazing.
I dry brined two turkeys and smoked one and roasted the other. I smoked the one a bit too long and it got kind of dry in the white meat, but still had a ton of good flavor. The roasted turkey turned out perfect. My wife also made a pan of excellent spinach and artichoke stuffed mushrooms. Otherwise, the food people brought was.... not great. In addition, we did all the prep and hosting and ended up also doing all of the cleaning up so if I have it my way, we'll never host again. In-laws, ugh.