December 18, 2024: Twelve Parsecs

My local bullseye branded store seems to have upgraded their carts. They have the standard push bar or what have you, but they also had these like side handles. It's hard to describe and I haven't seen them it before, but it does kind of feel like you're operating a gun turret on a rogue spaceship or something. I saw a few other dads operating from the side handles too.

4 thoughts on “December 18, 2024: Twelve Parsecs”

  1. Woodmans (local grocery chain that is superior to all other grocery chains) has had those for a couple years now. I don't usually use them, but the real innovation is the phone holder the carts all have.

  2. Whereas the Cub Foods in the St. Paul Midway took away all their baskets for some reason, don't have enough carts, and also removed the self check out. Oh and usually have like three cashiers open. They are very well stocked so I can't make a 1980s-era Soviet grocery store crack, but still a major PITA.

    1. I used to go to the Rainbow (RIP) across the street because it was the exact same stuff with like 1/10th the foot traffic. Much more pleasant shopping experience

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