27 thoughts on “December 23, 2024: For The Rest Of Us”

  1. I'll start with the Scottish guy on the other side of the divider from me who gets unreasonably angry at every single email he gets and vocalizes it. Dude, chill out. (I finally got around to ordering noise cancelling ear buds for when I'm in the office)
    A dog who will eat anything and everything, including an entire ginger bread house and a bag of white baking chips. That all came up last night, which I discovered at 3:45 am.
    The crappy hunters of Wisconsin who did not shoot nearly enough deer resulting in my totaling one car and nearly hitting another one a couple weeks ago. Git gud, jerks.
    The Steam seasonal sales for forcing me to spend money on video games. (I'm weak)
    Tim Connelly and, relatedly, Julius Randle and Donte Divencienzo.
    Oh, also Glen Taylor.

    1. My list of unplayed games is over 200 now (not all of them Steam...many are games I bought off Ebay 20 years ago). When a Steam sale happens, I try to limit my purchasing to games I know I plan to play in the next few months. If it's something on my wishlist that's 75% off, but I'm not in the mood for it, I'll table it as it'll be 75% off again someday. Doesn't always work

    1. Yeah, plus when you give coaches extra time to prepare for a game, I think it's more likely to have a lopsided result. Whichever team has an edge will have more time to find that edge and figure out how best to exploit it.

  2. Can I seek feedback on a business topic for the joint? Assuming the answer is yes: What do you all think about businesses (especially restaurants) charging you an extra fee to use your credit card. Most restaurants up in my parts are charging anywhere from 3-3.99%. I am one of the few hold outs who is not charging a fee to use a credit card. I would rather just raise my prices 25 to 50 cents an item to cover my cost than charge an extra fee. Plus... we have all raised our prices pretty dramatically due to inflation of food/bev coming in the back door.

    The one thing that gets my goat is the fact that the average credit card transaction costs me around 2.4-2.5% of the bill. I assume many of the higher volume restaurants in my area are probably in the same range. But... they charge the guest 3.99% to use a card. Also, cash is much easier to steal and when you deal with a lot of cash, you are hauling cash back and forth to the bank which puts a target on your back for a whack on your head to steal your bank deposit.

    Anyway, let me know your thoughts as a consumer if you are willing. Thanks!

    1. I find it annoying but I don't think it changes my dining habits.

      One thing that does really bother me is the surprise charge for "well being" or "health" or whatever. Just raise your prices. I should know what I'm paying before I get the bill.

    2. I think it's the combination of additional CC fee, wellness, plus tip, all which sour the meal. I'd rather just pay more than get surprises.

      Your concern over handling cash is the same that some of your customers have as well.

    3. I’m in include fees in cost camp as well. Also sometimes the fees are confusing on how I should tip. Which probably means I tip less.

      Also, I talked to an Alexander native I know and he loves your restaurant and all you’ve done with it and the community.

    4. Agree with everyone else here. No hidden fees. I don't mind paying more for good food. Also, it makes feel as if I'm inconveniencing the establishment by paying with the only method of payment that many places take anymore. I've been rejected several times in the past year trying to pay cash. I know businesses pay fees; I trust them to price to what makes sense to cover all their expenses.

    5. I have noticed some places I frequent distinguish between debit purchases (no fee) and credit card purchases (3% or whatever). I don’t know enough about how terminals work to know how those are distinguished at the point of sale.

      People who complain excessively about being charged CC fees strike me as the kind of people who pointedly leverage their CCs for miles or other benefits. Which…where do you think those perks are coming from? The generosity of Goldman Sachs?

      Where I draw the line with dining establishments is service fees that “ensure staff earn a livable wage.” How about just be honest about the labor cost and price that into the menu? I certainly support living wages for restaurant workers and eliminating gratuity-based compensation. Because unless it’s a no tipping restaurant, that sounds like using under-paid waitstaff to extract more without having to raise prices.

      1. Because unless it’s a no tipping restaurant, that sounds like using under-paid waitstaff to extract more without having to raise prices.

        Say it louder for those in the back. I really don't care for our system of compensating folks in the service industry. I'm also annoyed as all get out that Jimmy Johns is now forcing customers through a tip screen when completing a purchase in their restaurants.

        I've changed my behavior slightly over the last year in that I always get cash out if we're going to hang at a bar or two. I always tipped in cash, but now I try to make it a point to pay the tab in cash as well. (also helps ..... regulate .... the number of drinks I buy......) But I haven't really changed the way I go out to eat - which is to say, Dr. Chop and I go out to dinner like once every 2 months. We'll get a bagel every weekend, hit a coffee shop on our am walks, and I go out to about a lunch every other week depending on work schedules etc.

    6. Thanks for the feedback all! I agree with several of you on the "wellness fee". As part of Hospitality MN, I was asked to lobby against the junk fee bill and I chose not to as it is ridiculous how many fees are added onto so many things we purchase.

  3. Grievances:

    1. Julius Randle, you suck. How can you be both a bigger ball-stopping ballhog and lazier defender than D-Lo?

    2. Joe Pohlad, you also suck. Thanks for proving that failgrandsons can be even less competent than failsons.

    3. Rocco Baldelli, I have never seen a more fundamentally all baseball team than the Twins in September. Can you have more baserunners thrown out in stupid ways?

    4. All the Twins players, just because management doesn't care doesn't mean you can phone it in for 2 months.

    5. Bon Iver, why do you keep making music? Just go away forever.

    6. Whoever decided to make the first half ofWicked four hours long, what were you thinking? Absolutely nothing happened for the first hour. What a waste of time.

    7. My stupid right knee has a tendinitis flare-up in September. I then overcompensated for two months, and now my left ankle is still completely swollen. Somehow joining a soccer league for me in worse shape.

    8. Hey Strong Mayor, just because someone else won an election while allergic to the truth doesn't mean anyone wants to hear from you ever again.

  4. Rental car places (we rent a lot) not topping off the windshield wiper fluid, ensuring the tires PSI's are whole, and having battery life in the key-fob. C’mon, it’s your day-job.

    TSAPre-checkin line way longer than the regular line. Like we don’t see that?

    I can’t open the plastic wrap inside a friggin cereal box (even healthtastic ones) without using a tool of some sort.

    Governments trying to up their birth rates. Shiny happy people holding hands.

    Drove by a farm earlier tonight with a sign in the ditch, “No pesticides - organic farming.” That’ll stop em.

    People that talk while chewing food. Oooh, good, now we can see, kinda, what you’ve been eating lately…

    Just saw Seven Samurai. Did they cast Yul Brynner in Magnificent Seven just because he was bald (like Kambei)?

    Retail drugstores locking up everyday items requiring the cashier to unlock them. Hey guys, Something’s happening here.

  5. Grievances:

    A second major bout with crutches in the same calendar year.

    An unreasonable wait to get the results of the imaging on my knee. Managed to get an appointment for an MRI at 10:30 pm tonight, to get it done before flying out tomorrow. So the imaging is done, but they said it would likely be 2-3 weeks before I get a result back from the orthopedist. How does it take more than 2 weeks to get someone to look at an MRI? And that was the usual wait time, with no holidays figured in, so it may be even longer considering the time of year.

    People who stop in a busy parking lot to let someone out. Or worse, wait for someone to come out to the car. There are parking spots 10 feet away. Use them! Don’t just stop in the roadway blocking everyone else!

  6. Man, I'm a day late and a dollar short (+3% CC fee because I don't have cash)

    I've tried a new thing this year..... being mindful of when I'm grumpy about something and trying to figure out the root cause and address that. Mixed results.

    The Twins ---> ugh. Epic collapse and a sale to boot. Bunch of bozos.

    The vikings losing the Super Bowl in New Orleans. (Pre grievance edition. I don't care about football at all, but I know in my bones everything will break for the vikings and they'll lose in epic fashion in my adopted home town.)

    Being a middle manager sucks the big one. I'm fed up being the stick and never the carrot. Also, having to haul employees up for not caring for themselves is an ugly business. Yeah, I feel your totally reasonable human pain and suffering, but you gotta show up for work and do your job....

    I'm tired of living in a state that prioritizes legislation that harms poor folks by reducing access to life saving services including education, food, and healthcare. I'm also P.O.'d at my neighbors for cutting their noses off to spite their faces in every election.

    And once again, eff depression and anxiety (and new for 2024 addiction!). We've lost 3 friends to addiction related over doses in the last 2 years. Enough with the dying already.

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