10 thoughts on “January 29, 2025: Slithery”

  1. My youngest is/was really into snakes. At one point he asked for a snake as a pet. That interest has waned and dinosaurs are back in, but I will need to inform him it's the year of the snake.

    1. I’ve always been a snake fan, generally. Back in Ranger School we had a snake identification course in Florida before they turned us loose and they had certified handlers. I was the guy who volunteered to get a black racer bite to see how the bite wounds don’t coagulate.

        1. She was big enough that I had to get two freshly killed rats a month for her. I'd go to the store, request them, and they would walk into a room then come out with a paper bag. I always thought that was pretty grizzly.

  2. Our yard has its share of snakes throughout the year, mostly black rat snakes and garters, as well as a couple venomous deeper into the woods. While they're not generally welcome in the neighbors' yards, I leave them to it (non-venomous, that is). It would be preferable if they did a better job announcing their presence, though.

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