34 thoughts on “February 12, 2025: Task Master”

    1. My kids asked if their schools will close tomorrow for our upcoming storm. It's going to rain a lot (like flood watch amounts) but I'm not expecting that will cause closures.

      Though they did get out for wind (along with the associated power outages and fire risk) for the first time since we've been here a few weeks ago though, so I guess we'll see!

  1. I just saw an ad for Logitech, and the gal in the ad had her left pinky hanging off the left end of the keyboard. It all went by a bit quickly, but the few times it came back to her hands, it sure looked like she wasn't using it, and her ring finger was resting on the A key. Anyone ever heard of that before?

    1. When I type in ALL CAPS, I don't use caps lock, my left pinky just holds left shift, and my other three typing fingers take care of the whole left hand.

      So it's sorta out of commission, but I also use it when not typing ALL CAPS

    2. Now that I'm thinking about it, I only use my pinkies for the shift key. If I place my hands on the keyboard in a resting spot, my left pinky is in between A and S. Honestly, I can't fathom where else it would go.

        1. I would be so uncomfortable with it not on the home row. Currently I'm using a 42-key keyboard with home row modifiers, so left shift is S (when held) and right shift is L (when held), ctrl is A/;, alt is D/K, and the win keys are F/J. It more or less forces you to use the opposite-hand modifier. It took a bit of getting used to, but it's nice not having to do awkward reaches for different combinations. It would probably not work out if I was into gaming. Thumb keys are amazing.

  2. I remote into a machine connected to my institution’s Ethernet because queries run much faster on-prem than over the VPN. On that machine, the taskbar is on the bottom. On my laptop, the dock is on the left (but hidden until mouse-over), and when I plug into my two external monitors, it’s on the left-most monitor, which is in vertical orientation. The right monitor is horizontal.

  3. I have it on the bottom of an ultrawide monitor so it is real long. And now that it shows application icons rather than separate windows, it's mostly empty space but having it autohide would be too disorienting.

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