23 thoughts on “February 20, 2025: Have It Your Way”

  1. I don't overdo the sodas, but I enjoy a can of pop with my lunch, and Dr. Pepper is my go-to, particularly Cherry Dr. Pepper. That said, I surprisingly enjoyed their foray into Creamy Coconut Dr. Pepper several weeks ago (and it's coming back!), and just tried the new Dr. Pepper Blackberry. I read someone describing Diet Dr. Pepper Blackberry as having a cough syrup aftertaste but liking the regular flavor. I found the new flavor okay, but it's not in the top tier.

  2. I have never made the BK Wesley Willis connection before, but I will definitely hear it from now on!

    One of my kids sings those commercials at his older brother and me to annoy us. Maybe Wesley Willis is the way to fight back.

  3. I dont have an Athletic sub anymore so I dont know the nuts and bolts, but I see they have a story about how this is the last season ESPN is going to carry MLB.

    I kind of hope Warner (TBA/TNT) picks up the slack. I think they do a decent job on their MLB coverage.

    1. The short version is ESPN owes MLB $550 million for this year but values it lower than that. MLB disagrees, and accuses ESPN of only minimal coverage of MLB outside of its broadcasts, so MLB thinks it can find a better deal elsewhere.

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