It's just rain here, but I see Minnesota isn't quite done with winter yet. How much did you get?
20 thoughts on “March 5, 2025: False Spring”
We got enough that the schools have called an e-learning day. I'm glad I was planning to work from home and that by sheer luck I have no meetings today, but I'm anticipating spending a lot of time prodding the boys about doing their work...
Runner daughter had an inspector scheduled today in hopes of qualifying for a grant from the city (which she'd use to replace her driveway), but it was rescheduled.
I have been hired by the Oahe Zap to be their public address announcer for the 2025 season.
The Zap play in the Independence League, a summer collegiate league for small college players. I'm also doing public address for Pierre Post 8 American League baseball, so it should be a fun summer. There's no better place to spend a summer than at the old ball park!
Five inches in the northern 'burbs. The dogs are loving it, our foster puts her snout down to the ground and runs along like a little snowplow. Also, I just found out that my 2024 bonus is paying out at 120%, so I got a bonus on my bonus, which is nice. Also also, Elder Daughter and hubby have found an apartment in Nordeast just a couple of blocks from his job and we will have our empty nest back next month.
We live on the edge of town and the wind kicked up strong enough that our 2 inches of snow (or less?) became an almost 3 foot high drift across the driveway. So... I walked to work this morning. Hopefully the kids have enough time to get it cleared off today, but it's looking like all their teachers planned a lot of e-learning work, so I'm anticipating I'll need to shovel when I get home.
A couple of notes on Mardi Gras. I love Mardi Gras day more than almost any other holiday because there are no obligations to buy anything. It is the ultimate do what you wanna holiday. The city is so full of creativity and that is on full display all day. We also start early and get home early. The wind got really real at the end of our day (I think we called the cab at 4 pm..... maybe..... who knows.....)
A note on Ash Wednesday. Never book travel on Ash Wednesday. Seems like a no brainer. I "get" to fly to St. Louis tonight for a conference. What are the odds that it will be 30 and snowing in the midwest the first week of March? 100%. We'll see if I'm on this flight or the first flight in the morning.......
Nah, it's above freezing so none of the snow is sticking, even though it's been "snowing" all morning. Has been chilly and really windy, though (yes, it's trash day)
We got enough that the schools have called an e-learning day. I'm glad I was planning to work from home and that by sheer luck I have no meetings today, but I'm anticipating spending a lot of time prodding the boys about doing their work...
my middle schooler had most of his done before I even got up, but my 1st grader it's going to be a fight all day long
Runner daughter had an inspector scheduled today in hopes of qualifying for a grant from the city (which she'd use to replace her driveway), but it was rescheduled.
I have been hired by the Oahe Zap to be their public address announcer for the 2025 season.
The Zap play in the Independence League, a summer collegiate league for small college players. I'm also doing public address for Pierre Post 8 American League baseball, so it should be a fun summer. There's no better place to spend a summer than at the old ball park!
that's pretty darn cool! (although maybe Oahu Zap would have been cooler)
That sounds awesome. Any chance your games are streamed anywhere?
I don't know, but last year they were on YouTube. I'll let you know when I find out.
That'd be great, thanks Padre.
Here's to a great season!
Very cool. Congrats!
Five inches in the northern 'burbs. The dogs are loving it, our foster puts her snout down to the ground and runs along like a little snowplow. Also, I just found out that my 2024 bonus is paying out at 120%, so I got a bonus on my bonus, which is nice. Also also, Elder Daughter and hubby have found an apartment in Nordeast just a couple of blocks from his job and we will have our empty nest back next month.
Bonuses on bonuses are cool. We're actually getting one this year and its paying out 137%.
I'm getting vacation days accruing while taking vacation days -- #winning
tell me more about these ... bonuses....
Its the first one I've gotten in, like, a decade, so your guess is as good as mine.
"We've got Jaden McDaniels"
We live on the edge of town and the wind kicked up strong enough that our 2 inches of snow (or less?) became an almost 3 foot high drift across the driveway. So... I walked to work this morning. Hopefully the kids have enough time to get it cleared off today, but it's looking like all their teachers planned a lot of e-learning work, so I'm anticipating I'll need to shovel when I get home.
A couple of notes on Mardi Gras. I love Mardi Gras day more than almost any other holiday because there are no obligations to buy anything. It is the ultimate do what you wanna holiday. The city is so full of creativity and that is on full display all day. We also start early and get home early. The wind got really real at the end of our day (I think we called the cab at 4 pm..... maybe..... who knows.....)
A note on Ash Wednesday. Never book travel on Ash Wednesday. Seems like a no brainer. I "get" to fly to St. Louis tonight for a conference. What are the odds that it will be 30 and snowing in the midwest the first week of March? 100%. We'll see if I'm on this flight or the first flight in the morning.......
Nah, it's above freezing so none of the snow is sticking, even though it's been "snowing" all morning. Has been chilly and really windy, though (yes, it's trash day)
We got maybe an inch of snow yesterday. Very wet, heavy snow. Glad we did not get more.
Both Voyager 1 and 2 are turning off another instrument.