7 thoughts on “March 9, 2025: Stumble Ahead”

  1. We have discovered a reasonable strategy for springing ahead. The little ghost and I had a confluence of school breaks, so we booked a trip to Tulum (which was matched up with Eastern time when we left, but does not change their clocks).

    I guess we just did the clock change early, but Chichen Itza and a couple days on the beach made it much more tolerable.

    Back to the US today.

  2. Wasn't even on my radar. I woke up at 5 am thinking I had snuck in 6 hours of sleep and it wasn't until I walked by the clock on the microwave that I realized I really only got 5 hours. The one thing I don't miss about "the old days" is trying to remind all my staff to turn their clocks ahead so they would not be late for work. Nowadays, everyone uses their phones to tell time, so some of them don't even realize that it happened.

  3. The dogs don't read clocks but they can tell time. We were late letting them out and giving them breakfast this morning and they let us know it.

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