So, I was watching something on a particular platform that I had just set up on my TV for the first time. Everyone was whispering their lines, which I couldn't decipher, so I went back about 30 seconds. After I did that, there was a disclaimer that they would add subtitles for the next 30 seconds. Though it wasn't particularly necessary in my case, that seemed pretty ingenious to me.

We at the Runner family pretty much watch with subtitles all the time. Because old? Maybe not originally...
I can barely watch stuff from the BBC/Masterpiece gang without subtitles - Endeavour, Sherlock, Poirot, Poldark, Wallander, etc.
We also watch with subtitles on. My wife has superhuman hearing and mine is starting to fade.
Ha! How quickly the worm turns. First place in the brackef, but now my champ pick is wiped and the outlook is bleak. Fun!