March 25, 2025: Free To Me You And Me

It's that day again! If you have the pink mobile company that starts with "T", you can get a code for a free year of I'm setting this CoC up well in advance to remind myself to get it.

13 thoughts on “March 25, 2025: Free To Me You And Me”

    1. If only they had a family farm someone could foreclose…

      The BLS inflation calculator doesn’t take Ns that high, so I ran the calculator for a couple orders of magnitude lower to see if I could figure out the equivalent equity.

      Target Field cost $555 million to build. I assumed April 2010 dollars for the purposes of this exercise. The $555 million in April 2010 would be $812,308,250 today. That means the current amount of debt would give the Pohlads a 52.32% stake in the construction costs for Target Field.

  1. *puts on tin foil hat*

    Ishiba in talks to buy the Twins
    Ishiba then pulls out of talks and joins the White Sox
    Couple weeks later story about the finances of the Twins

    Could he be trying to sabotage a division rival?

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