WGOM Fitness: 2 April 2013, Moving Forward

Day 2 of this month, and I'm back on plan, sort of.

This morning, I was at the gym at 5:00 for a 5:15 class. I got out of bed at 4:20 AM. Yesterday, I got up at 4:50 and was all done by about 8:30. Fell asleep on the couch and crawled into bed about 10:30. I did great on the eating until about 4:00, when I hit the junk food. Bleech. I have asked my wife not to bring the stuff into our house, but she apparently doesn't understand what I mean by that. It's bad enough to have Easter candy, but I can resist that kind of stuff. It's chips that I cannot resist and somehow there's always a bag of chips in the pantry. Anyway, not a good deal.

It's one thing to eat more calories, and I'm good with that. It's another thing to consume shit like I did yesterday. The only way, THE ONLY WAY I avoid that kind of stuff (when I'm not locked into the diet) is to not have it available. But, unfortunately, it is available. It is always available. Can you tell I'm frustrated by this? It's like putting a pack of cigarettes in the shirt pocket of someone trying to quit.

For some good news, back to the gym. I burned 877 calories this morning, according to the heart rate monitor. That puts me at 1,679 for the month to date, 10,321 short of the goal. I weighed 210.2 this morning, up 1.0 pounds and 7.2 more than the end of month goal. This morning's workout was "speed play", which meant a lot of sprints. Plus, we got off the bike every fifteen minutes to do pushups. Getting back on the bike, I was amazed at how much resistance was on the pedals. I could barely get them moving again. So, there's a lot of work being done in these classes.

9 thoughts on “WGOM Fitness: 2 April 2013, Moving Forward”

  1. I love chips too. I try to make my own as a replacement:

    I don't use a recipe but these are a good start:
    Kale Chips
    Zuchini Chips

    Also if you make your own potato chips and bake them at home they really aren't that bad for you.

    I generally skimp on the oil, really its meant to keep the salt on the chip, and add a bit of crispness. I tend to use more powder type flavorings (Cumin, Paprika, Garlic) which stick to the chips much better.

    I don't have sweets I don't miss them. But my wife loves them, and once they are around it is really hard to resist.

    My move to Arlington has killed my daily routine so far this year, and my daily activity level has dropped off of cliff. I was averaging 13250 steps per day, and now that has dropped to around 5200. Not being able to walk everywhere is a bummer. I'm still trying to replace those steps.

    1. It's not really my wife's fault, of course. I was able to resist for months and months. I just need to have a plan in place (i.e. know what I'm going to eat and when). Grazing is not a good strategy.

    2. fwiw, yicket, mrsS used to walk from Capitol Hill to Rosslyn (across the Key Bridge) several days per week after work. You could then grab the Metro at Rosslyn to finish the commute home. That would certainly get your steps back up! 😉

  2. I was originally going to give myself a week to indulge, after Lent. After 2 days of semi-indulging, I've decided I don't really want to any more. I'm not going vigoriously back into my Lenten sacrifices, but I doubt I'll have more than a single pop a day for the next week (and then, starting Monday, I will stick to my "no more than 3 in a week thing), and I think it'll be pretty easy. Basically, I feel like I've changed for the better in this regard.

    Working out might be tough today though...

      1. It really hasn't been, but the last two weeks have been fairly anomalous for my eating.

  3. I am really looking forward to my shoulder deciding that it would be ok to start going to the gym again. Not yet, unfortunately. Rehab progress has pretty much ground to a halt. I'm trying to get this figured out, but going to work daily isn't really helping a whole lot.

    My parents return to Minnesota in a week, which means that my meat consumption will plummet (with just mrsS and the Vegan to cook for, we go back to a mostly-meatless diet).

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