I'm actually hairier as I don't have a bald spot on my head.
The Hitman opened a game log by linking to that monstrosity a couple of days ago. Not the way I'd represent the Twins, but to each his own...
Some neat photos of the College World Series stormin a Chinese website. Union Pacific's mothership is the building in the second photo with all the yellow lit windows visible to the left of the graffiti art (directly behind the Ameritrade sign in the first photo). Rowsdower is in his basement, so not seen in any of these photos.
Excellent photos. They seem like a metaphor for the 2011 Twins.
I believe when there's actually a coherent theme of that size, it becomes a mural rather than graffiti (emoticon).
I was at a loss for the correct terminology, what it being before 9AM and all.
I'm glad I didn't buy an #ItsHappening t-shirt. Thankfully they went up the day the Twins started sucking again. I hope they at least care enough to play better than they have the last few nights the rest of the season. I'd like to watch some baseball, guys.
Actually we were in the backyard rounding up the dogs and watching the clouds roll in when the wind started up. Then neighbors charcoal grill blew over with a loud crash, sending ashes everywhere. That's when we went inside and turned on the local weather guy.
From the TJ archives on this date:
Last year: "For the past couple of years, the Twins have spoken fondly about how Baker, Blackburn and Slowey spend time together talking pitching. Maybe that's not such a good idea. Maybe they should be sentenced to solitary confinement. Or quarantined. They might be contagious."
"If [those three pitchers] had to pitch in Philly all season, the Twins would need to give their outfielders bicycles, helicopters and group therapy."
Three years ago he spent another day on the Love-Mayo trade (but completely changed his tune and now was in favor of the trade). Still he added these zingers: "When was the last time an NBA team traded for three American-born white guys? That doesn't even happen in hockey."
"[T]he only aspect of this deal that's worrisome -- McHale has developed an irrational love for players that remind him of himself. That would include Love's fundamentals, Jefferson's low-post game, and Cardinal's cornea-blinding whiteness."
In 2006 comparing the race between the Twins, Tigers and White Sox: "This is Secretariat, Man `O' War and Seabiscuit running down the same backstretch. This is Tiger Woods dueling with Jack Nicklaus and Ben Hogan around Amen Corner. This is Lew Ford playing video games with two guys he met on the Internet."
In 2006 comparing the race between the Twins, Tigers and White Sox: "This is Secretariat, Man `O' War and Seabiscuit running down the same backstretch. This is Tiger Woods dueling with Jack Nicklaus and Ben Hogan around Amen Corner. This is Lew Ford playing video games with two guys he met on the Internet."
There are so many problems with those analogies that I think I had an aneurysm.
o.k. I laughed at that Lew Ford quip. I'm not proud, I know.
So Brian Cardinal is literally whiter than Kevin Love? Huh.
Love has rhythm inherited from his family. Cardinal just has pasty.
My new life plan is to get an open-ended ticket to the Virgin Islands and apply for jobs from there come September if my current applications fall through, then come back when something sticks.
The good Dr. and I got hit by some virus last night. We spent the better part of 8 hours trading off bowing to the thrown. I'd forgotten how much I didn't enjoy barfing.
That sounds slightly worse than watching last night's Twins game. Hope you're better today.
ESPN3 is down, so of course it's when the WNT takes on North Korea in the Women's World Cup. The US is up 1-0 in the 62nd.
I watched about 20 minutes of that game leading up to the half. There were some really good shots on goal by the US women. I'm glad they got one in.
Ended 2-0. I'm excited to see the highlights when ESPN3 is fixed.
Watching that game gave me a random thought: If Hope Solo and Tim Howard had a love child, would it be possible that it WOULDN'T be some sort of super-goalie?
a HoHo baby!!!???
For a control group, Hope Solo is gonna have to get it on with just a normal schlub. I, for one, volunteer my services.
In the name of science, of course.
Going to need more than just one in the control group though.
Some friends of ours invited the wife and I to a game during the Yankees series in August. Any chance we'll have a major league team by then?
We're talking about August 2012, right?
That big wuss Mauer is back at DH today against the lefty. Repko in left, Rivera catching.
We should trade this guy for Jesse Crain & Adam Dunn.
STribbie of the Day, maybe of the month:
heetcpa: Tough call on what to watch tonight; "America's Got Talent" or "Twins Ain't Got Much Talent". Hmmmm...
I think that the best rebuttal for the Twins would be a 10-run win.
I just got the baseball card banner. That is right up there with the avatar banner. Nicely done, whomever.
really? you can't guess whom the baseball card banner might have been created by?
Even uglier than last night's game
i didn't know CT was that hairy.
I'm actually hairier as I don't have a bald spot on my head.
The Hitman opened a game log by linking to that monstrosity a couple of days ago. Not the way I'd represent the Twins, but to each his own...
Some neat photos of the College World Series storm in a Chinese website. Union Pacific's mothership is the building in the second photo with all the yellow lit windows visible to the left of the graffiti art (directly behind the Ameritrade sign in the first photo). Rowsdower is in his basement, so not seen in any of these photos.
Excellent photos. They seem like a metaphor for the 2011 Twins.
I believe when there's actually a coherent theme of that size, it becomes a mural rather than graffiti (emoticon).
I was at a loss for the correct terminology, what it being before 9AM and all.
I'm glad I didn't buy an #ItsHappening t-shirt. Thankfully they went up the day the Twins started sucking again. I hope they at least care enough to play better than they have the last few nights the rest of the season. I'd like to watch some baseball, guys.
Actually we were in the backyard rounding up the dogs and watching the clouds roll in when the wind started up. Then neighbors charcoal grill blew over with a loud crash, sending ashes everywhere. That's when we went inside and turned on the local weather guy.
From the TJ archives on this date:
Last year: "For the past couple of years, the Twins have spoken fondly about how Baker, Blackburn and Slowey spend time together talking pitching. Maybe that's not such a good idea. Maybe they should be sentenced to solitary confinement. Or quarantined. They might be contagious."
"If [those three pitchers] had to pitch in Philly all season, the Twins would need to give their outfielders bicycles, helicopters and group therapy."
Three years ago he spent another day on the Love-Mayo trade (but completely changed his tune and now was in favor of the trade). Still he added these zingers: "When was the last time an NBA team traded for three American-born white guys? That doesn't even happen in hockey."
"[T]he only aspect of this deal that's worrisome -- McHale has developed an irrational love for players that remind him of himself. That would include Love's fundamentals, Jefferson's low-post game, and Cardinal's cornea-blinding whiteness."
In 2006 comparing the race between the Twins, Tigers and White Sox: "This is Secretariat, Man `O' War and Seabiscuit running down the same backstretch. This is Tiger Woods dueling with Jack Nicklaus and Ben Hogan around Amen Corner. This is Lew Ford playing video games with two guys he met on the Internet."
There are so many problems with those analogies that I think I had an aneurysm.
o.k. I laughed at that Lew Ford quip. I'm not proud, I know.
So Brian Cardinal is literally whiter than Kevin Love? Huh.
Love has rhythm inherited from his family. Cardinal just has pasty.
My new life plan is to get an open-ended ticket to the Virgin Islands and apply for jobs from there come September if my current applications fall through, then come back when something sticks.
The good Dr. and I got hit by some virus last night. We spent the better part of 8 hours trading off bowing to the thrown. I'd forgotten how much I didn't enjoy barfing.
That sounds slightly worse than watching last night's Twins game. Hope you're better today.
ESPN3 is down, so of course it's when the WNT takes on North Korea in the Women's World Cup. The US is up 1-0 in the 62nd.
I watched about 20 minutes of that game leading up to the half. There were some really good shots on goal by the US women. I'm glad they got one in.
Ended 2-0. I'm excited to see the highlights when ESPN3 is fixed.
Watching that game gave me a random thought: If Hope Solo and Tim Howard had a love child, would it be possible that it WOULDN'T be some sort of super-goalie?
a HoHo baby!!!???
For a control group, Hope Solo is gonna have to get it on with just a normal schlub. I, for one, volunteer my services.
In the name of science, of course.
Going to need more than just one in the control group though.
Some friends of ours invited the wife and I to a game during the Yankees series in August. Any chance we'll have a major league team by then?
We're talking about August 2012, right?
That big wuss Mauer is back at DH today against the lefty. Repko in left, Rivera catching.
We should trade this guy for Jesse Crain & Adam Dunn.
STribbie of the Day, maybe of the month:
I think that the best rebuttal for the Twins would be a 10-run win.
I just got the baseball card banner. That is right up there with the avatar banner. Nicely done, whomever.
really? you can't guess whom the baseball card banner might have been created by?
I didn't want to Rhu-en anything by guessing.