77 thoughts on “February 23, 2015: Oscars”

  1. Yesterday Mags suggested a mini-caucus on Saturday morning.

    Even though Mags stated he's available 9:00a to 3:00p I was thinking something like 10:00a to1:00p or 2:00ish. (O.k. That's when I'm available) What do people think?

    Any suggestions on when or where? Unfortuanately it appears no late EPL game that day and Gopher Mens hoops is later in the day. I suppose we could find out where Gleeman is brunching and crash that party.

    1. 10-1or 2ish sounds good to me. Too bad about the EPL schedule.

      Also Sunday morning I'll be at Kieran's for the Ireland v England Six Nations match. They're opening early at 8:45.

  2. I saw a lot of people rooting against Boyhood on the 'tubes last night, which I felt was kind of strange. I was really hoping it would win since it was far and away my favorite film this year, but I'm not surprised it didn't.

    That's about all I can say about the Oscars since that's all I watched!

    1. I saw barely any of the nominees. I hadn't seen any of the animated film nominees (shorts or features).
      Not seeing either, both "Boyhood" and "Birdman" seem interesting (but then I thought "Crash" would be good, too).
      Looking through the list now... Jóhann Jóhannsson was a nominee for the score for "The Theory of Everything", which is a movie I didn't even know existed (although I see it had the best actor)
      Not sure if I'm thankful or bothered that "Everything Is Awesome" didn't win.

    2. Neil Patrick Harris was ungood, his schtick with the briefcase was extremely ungood.

      I watched the second half of the ceremony because why not. I haven't seen any of the nominees this year, but now I kind of want to see all of them.

      1. I really like Neil Patrick Harris, but his material last night was horrible. The whole show had a sort of manic depressive quality to it; NPH trying like mad to keep things fun and upbeat with bad jokes while the winners kept getting into heavy subjects like suicide and inequality and prison reform and war and whatnot. It was basically segue hell.

        1. I do like NPH, as well, but man... I laughed aloud at the British-version level awkwardness of NPH's segues a couple of times. The situation seemed unwinnable for him, but he certainly ended up making the least of a tough gig.

      2. I was interested in everything but American Sniper and The Theory of Everything. I thought I'd seen more, but I'd only seen three. I have Birdman at home ready to watch and Whiplash will be here on Tuesday.

    3. I've only seen Sniper, and thought it was just okay. I knew it wasn't going to win Best Picture. Ironic though that 5 years ago there was a Best Picture nominee that was a box-office smash and it lost to... a movie about the Iraq war.
      Really want to see Whiplash and Imitation Game. Would like to see Birdman after the win. Want to see Boyhood to see how well the director accomplished his goal. Will catch Theory of Everything and Selma sometime. No real interested in GBH

      1. not to get all preachy-forbidden-zoney on you, but, well, to get all preachy-forbidden-zoney, you really, really should see Selma in the theater with a crowd. It's a tremendous movie and, as I've argued previously in this space, I think it's an important movie.

        So is Imitation Game, but not to the same level, IMO.

        I should hasten to add that both are tremendously entertaining films as well.

        1. No real interested in GBH

          Oh. This just registered. To each its own, but that flick is really, really fun and funny.

    4. I was in an out of the Oscars because I was watching the Wild game. But, I enjoyed NPH as host, even though his jokes fell kind of flat (too bad he didnt get to show off his magician skills). He would be great in a less stuffy setting like the Golden Globes.

      I didnt see any of the movies so I dont have any thoughts about that. But man, Lady Gaga surprised me. I knew she was a talented singer, but she crushed it singing The Sound of Music stuff. John Legend was pretty awesome too.

      1. Yeah, Gaga apparently has pipes, even if I wasn't entirely sure on why they were tossing in a 25 minute Sound of Music medley into an already WAY overlong awards show.

  3. Someday I will watch award shows again, mostly just to see what people are wearing. In the meantime, at least there are online slide shows. David Oyelowo gets my vote for best-dressed man.

        1. If you are uploading the images yourself, you can resize them in Preview on your Mac. Click on Tools and use Adjust Size.

    1. As awesome as all this newfound image sizing knowledge is, I'm disappointed that I utterly failed at starting a fashion discussion.

              1. 1 Mute Swan in breeding plumage (dead but otherwise unaltered)
                1 Female Icelandic Singer (gender important, you don't want to end up with Einar Örn)
                12" Double-sided tape (approx)
                Spanx as desired

                (If desired, first put the Spanx around the singer.)
                Wrap the dead swan around the singer,
                Use the tape to secure the bird to the singer while maintaining a modicum of modesty
                Profit! Grammy! Oscar!

      1. I shoud also add that the smitten kitchen's black bean soup is on my to make list this week. Plus fried eggs

  4. Home sick today. Combo of cold and a cold makes the walk to the bus stop unthinkable.
    And my work connectivity seems ruined. Help Desk's working on it.
    I am now about 50 pages into The Goldfinch.

      1. And now I've been working for two and a half hours, but I've got to lay down soon.
        Mitski's on the iPod now, but new vocal music isn't the best for reading.

    1. I realize it probably seems over the top, but ii's return has seriously sucked all the fun out of the Twins, and baseball in general, for me this year. Normally I'd be losing my mind about this time, but I'm just depressed since it's one day closer to ii taking the field in a Twins uni again. Frown.

      1. Torii taking the field only bothers me a little. Having to hear the media worship is the tough part, especially the day (and it's gonna happen) that someone talks about how much more awesome Torii is than Mauer when he goes 1-5 with a clutch RBI single (despite his lack of range costing them a run earlier in the game) while Mauer went 0-2 with 3 walks.

      2. I realize the guy has diarrhea of the mouth and is overrated as a player at this point in his career, but it's not like he beat up his wife or kids or killed dogs or used PEDs (that we know of). He's an annoyance that I choose to ignore and refuse to ruin my favorite team in my favorite sport. If he's leading the victory parade after a Twins World Series championship, I'll be cheering him on all the way (but not nearly as much as the ones that had a lot more to do with winning it). My excitement right now has to do with all the good things I'm hearing about new stuff Molitor wants to implement to help the Twins start catching up to the rest of MLB.

        1. it's not like he beat up his wife or kids or killed dogs or used PEDs

          One of these things is not like the others
          One of these things doesn't belong.


    2. FIRST DAY OF SPRING TRAINING!!!!11111!!!!

      Wondered this as well, but I can understand the mistake. I tried to check it out over lunch, but judging by ESPN there is only one player in camp, and they're trying to decide whether he will be playing baseball this year.

  5. As one of our veteran guys told our young guys yesterday, ‘Hey, listen, when KG walks in the locker room your phones better be tucked away, because if they’re not, they’re going to get thrown in the toilet on game night,’ ” Saunders noted.

    Ok, then. All the Wolves problems solved.

    Actually, what I'm thinking here is that "management" must be letting the inmates run the asylum if Flip has a culture problem in his locker room.

    1. That's kind of always been my response on clubhouse leadership, too. Plus, I've always laughed when, say, Michael Cuddyer is lauded as a leader, but sadly no one is listening. If no one is following, you are not a leader. Period.

  6. Poor Phil Hughes. Named Opening Day starter. The last two Opening Day starters for the Twins were Ricky Nolasco and Vance Worley. FWIW, both have better career ERAs than Hughes.

  7. ESPN's ranking of all 122 major league teams' analytics department. The Wild are listed as believers; the Twins, Vikings, and Wolves are listed as skeptics. Although there appears to be an overall ranking I haven't figured out the 11-112 list yet.

    1. I'm generally ignorant of hockey, but it seems to me that hockey would be the least able to benefit from analytics. So that's the one where Minnesota would have a believer.

  8. Dave Benz has grown as a play by play guy over his few years doing Wolves basketball, but there are some things he does that annoys me. Like the last few days, he has brought up Andrew Wiggins age over and over. I mean its cool and all what Wiggins is doing, but a breakdown f the age stuff is just overkill.

    Also, this game has been bananas, but in a bad way.

    1. Rubio getting some showtime on the highlights. Unfortunately, it is for getting abused by James Harden.

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