My mother-in-law has been here for the last four days, and leaves this morning. This was a planned trip for a wedding that was cancelled long after the tickets were bought. Well, she did have a great time seeing the Milkmaid and the girls, even if the wedding situation is a bit awkward.

I think the daily Co'C headline should be "I Feel a Draft"
My guess at Twins' #1 pick:
::shakes fist::
You're not as funny as you think you are with that spoiler.
That wasn't a horrible pick, just misplaced. New FO, everyone.
Would you prefer Matt Moses or B.J. Garbe?
Caught the late show of Wonder Woman yesterday night. I'll echo what most have said. Really good (really charming, too, which isn't an adjective I'd apply to many of these movies.)
Here's something a friend noticed; I haven't seen it so can't confirm if true:
I noted that too. Appreciated it.
Yep. Same.
Went Friday night. In agreement.
That all said, I really liked the movie (parts that were ripoffs of Captain American notwithstanding).
re gods vs: gods, this is the complaint I have in a lot of the matchups. Much as I like Superman or Hulk, Batman (or Black Widow, or Cappy, or etc) is a lot more entertaining to watch fight, as he has to use his training, wits and whatever is within reach to get his point across
And this is why Spider-Man is, always has been, and always will be, the best super hero.
Until Peter grows up, I'll take Cappy.
Philo, did you think about the Christian aspects of the final fight and Diana's journey? This is a little over the top but hits on some things I saw as well.
I can't honestly claim I spent any time thinking about it, but I certainly took notice of some of those things during the movie. The whole "man is redeemable" thing seemed to me to be better hit by Pine's character than the actual final battle, if that makes sense?
that essay tells me that the author is a hammer and sees nails everywhere.
Also, she identifies Ares as "brother" because he literally is her (half-) brother.
I'm on Week #2 of my new job. I'm making maps all day. Going back to school for my AS in GIS is finally starting to feel like it's paying off.
Congrats on the new gig, especially since it uses the skills you went to school for.
Incidentally, I'm in a department that is half Earth Science, and just learned we have a couple of computers set aside for GIS work. That was also when I learned what GIS is.
which half of the Earth?
I work a lot with GIS; it's some of the most rewarding stuff I do.
It's always entertaining to see which Twins Topps puts into their sets each year, esp. in regards to trades, DFAs, etc etc. They have to guess a bit, and it's usually poorly done, but I don't think they spend much time contemplating the Twins. For instance, Suzuki was a big question mark, and I would have included him in series 2 as he probably would be on a different team's card, instead using Kepler or any other sure thing. Vogelsong -- huh?? He was released long before series 2 started taking shape.
series 1 (preseason):
#8 Berrios, #27 Suzuki, #126 Sano, #201 Rosario, #227 Buxton, #304 Twins team, #305 Duffey, #313 Grossman, #336 Santiago
series 2 (end of June):
#379 Hughes, #404 Mauer, #405 Kepler, #407 Escobar, #453 (Danny) Santana, #491 Vogelsong, #543 Dozier, #554 Castro, #568 Pressly, #590 Twins combo, #606 Perkins, #609 Mejia, #678 (Big Erv) Santana, #684 Polanco
The "traded/update" set comes out shortly post-season, and includes All-Star cards and a mad scramble for anyone brought up mid/late-season, particularly prospects. Twins had a huge bunch in last year's, and I'd expect the same this year.
I've suddenly seen Royce Lewis mentioned a few times today as a possible choice for the Twins. I hadn't seen any serious consideration for anyone other than Greene, McKay and Wright. It sounds like the Twins might go with whoever they can sign the cheapest so they can spend more lower in the draft to convince players to skip college and turn pro.
If nobody stands out, that makes sense.
If TR did that he'd've been excoriated.
You don't think he did?
No, I think he did. And was excoriated for it.
If anything, TR didn't get criticized enough. He was a poor GM, but seems like a great guy.
That criticism is off-base since there is an actual allotment for draft picks.
Reading a bit more, sounds like maybe Brendan McKay priced himself out of being the #1 pick, which led to Lewis.
That actually reminds me a bit of 2001...
OMG, can't even watch the draft without a Derek F'n Jeter commercial.
And nice that they're including kids with health issues/disabilities...interesting that all three are sporting Yankees logos.
I'm okay with Royce Lewis, knowing that Harold Reynolds is all in on Hunter Green.
I'm okay with not Hunter Green.
I'm also okay with shortstops in the abstract.
The Astros were said to have gone cheap with the No. 1 pick when they took Carlos Correa. I think that worked out pretty well for them. It'll be interesting to see if Royce Lewis develops as a center fielder or shortstop. If Hunter Greene turns into a star, then there will be a lot of criticism, probably similar to Mauer/Prior comparisons. That's the other thing is when you are committing this much money to a draft pick, taking a position player is a lot less risky in both development and injuries. Mark Appel was supposed to be a can't-miss college pitcher. That hasn't panned out so far.
The list is filled with failed #1 pitchers.
Prior was a lot more of a "sure thing" than Greene. Prior was a stud in the majors almost immediately.
Yeah Prior was Cy Young caliber. Just broken.
Interesting maybe only to me, but Mauer is 4th all-time in rWAR for number one picks (ARod, 117.7; Chipper, 85.0; Junior, 83.6; Joe, 50.9, Adrian Gonzalez, 43.3).
Gonzalez looks like he might be about done at age-35. The next active player on the list is David Price (age-31, 32.0), then Justin Upton (age-29, 28.9). I don't see either catching Joe. Best bet is Bryce Harper (age-24, 24.2). Or maybe Carlos Correia.
Do you remember why there were reservations on Mauer? Was it just his height? He seemed like the perfect prep star
The Strib had a feature about the 2001 draft recently. Short version is that he wasn't Prior.
Players mentioned as possible number ones: Prior, Josh Karp, Dewon Brazelton, Mark Teixeira, and Mauer. Teixeira leads in rWAR, barely. Brazelton trails with a negative 3.1 rWAR. Prior hasn't pitched since the same year Brazelton has.
My brother and I have fought for years on this topic. He thought Twins were being cheap and did not want the signing bonus impact, nor the need to pay Prior later. He felt we were one ace pitcher away from a deep playoff team and Prior was that ace in his mind.
I ended up being right, like usual, and I rub it in all the time. However, he still has not acknowledged that I was right.
Wait. Your brother is Dan Barreiro?!
They are twins separated at birth! I love one of them dearly and hate the other with the intensity of a thousand suns.
Wow. 3 picks into the draft and no college players taken. I wonder if teams are avoiding the wear and tear put on college pitchers.
you mean like the Missouri State starter on saturday (Dylan Coleman) who threw 132 pitches against LSU?
That was unconscionable, IMO.
I didn't think schools could do that anymore. I know HS can't
to be fair, it was a really, really, really important game.
Most important game of his life!!!111one111!!!
also, I think the Missouri pitching coach is Rob Ryan.

sadly, I can't find a good picture of Paul Evans' flow.
I think it depends some on whether there is any possibility of being drafted. This could be the final year for him. You don't want to impair his quality of life and give him arm problems at 25, but this may also be the end for stressful arm usage. If that's the case, then why not let him go a bit too far in important games.
After tonight's rout, blowout, implosion, loss, whatever... the Twins are still atop the Central. All the while sporting the the worst home record in all of baseball. Fun.
heh. several times in the past few weeks i've had this thought: "man this team sucks... oh wait, they're in first place."
I've had that thought, too, and its usually followed by "man, the AL central sucks".
Followed by "NL Central -- ha ha!"