24 thoughts on “May 5, 2022: ¡Viva Benito!”

        1. He got a little amped up about Edwards, but weren't we all?

          Sad day. I liked Benz on the call.

    1. I feel like the Wolves broadcasters have gotten pretty vanilla. I think Jim Pete got scolded about his questioning of Thibs and he now toes the company line.

      1. He definitely got shut out by Thibs n staff, but I felt this year with Finch JimPete was really in tune with the play calls and such.

  1. Took a nice architectural cruise this morning on the rivers here in Chicago. Kinda chilly and just a hint of rain starting now -- you know, Chicago weather.

    I guess I never though about where the term "Second City" originally came from.

    1. I've taken that cruise and enjoyed it. Definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to kill a few hours in Chicago and learn its history.

  2. Oof.

  3. Don't we have an SQL wizard in these parts? I could use help constructing a query.

  4. Say I have a table with 4 columns - TEAM,DIVISION,WINS,LOSSES

    I'm trying to find each division leader.

    When I try select division, max(wins) as wins from mlb2022
    group by division

    That's gets me something like
    ALEAST - 18
    ALCENTRAL - 15

    how do I get the team in there, ie

    When I try select team,division, max(wins) as wins from mlb2022
    group by team,division

    I get all 30 teams

    1. Well, here's an Oracle take on the problem that I think will work:

      SELECT team, division, wins
      FROM mlb2022 m1
      WHERE wins =
      (SELECT MAX(wins)
      FROM mlb2022 m2
      WHERE m2.division = m1.division);

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