22 thoughts on “October 10, 2022: Bank Holiday”

    1. My reply when this was shared elsewhere online:

      I have two Ken Griffey Jr jerseys in my closet, back from before the internet was a thing, so they were not easy for my parents to get for me.

      I gotta say I'm on the Mariners' train for this postseason

  1. Be the change you want to see in the world:

    I've probably mentioned this here before, but, moving to a small town, I was struck at how many of the clichés are true. The one that bothered me most had a lot to do with extra-cirruculars. Probably biggest among all sorts of other problems was the lack of non-sports options. There was 1 play every year, and you could be in 4H/FFA. Other than that? Nothing.

    4 years ago I was able to convice the private elementary school to add Lego League as an extra-cirricular, which is basically robotics for elementary/junior high, and my neighbor (who had a student in Aquinas' class) helped me run it. We had 1 team that first year, made of up 4th - 6th graders. The next year covid hit, and we were able to maintain an in-house lego league club. Last year, with Covid still looming large, we split into 3 teams just to help isolate classes, not because we had enough students. This year, we once again have 3 teams, but because there's actual demand. 15 students out of approximately 40 in the 3 grades. My neighbor is still helping coach, and we've got more parents involved than ever. We've put a ton of time in over the years, but this year so far things seem to be running smoothly, and I could be more excited for where the teams are at. I've got a vision of passing this down to another coach in a few years, and just becoming an assistant.

    Now that Aquinas has moved to the high school building, we're starting up another project that we've talked about for a while - Speech. When Philosofette graduated from the local school they had a pretty good speech team - she even went to state twice (and just missed the third time... don't get her talking about that). But somewhere along the way they lost the team, and I was always told there wasn't enough interest. Fortunately I've been persistent in talking with the Activities Director at the school, and we've been given the green-light. On Wednesday we'll be holding our informational meeting, and I'm hoping that we can get up to 10 students to a speech tournament this winter. Again, I have visions of growing this program into a really strong team too, and my ultimate vision is to even see about a debate team in a few years (that's even more in my wheelhouse than speech).

    I really didn't (don't?) know if these things will take off. Sometimes it can be overwhelming to look at what isn't there that should be. It's been a ton of work and lot of persistence, but I'm very excited about where things stand now.

    1. I can't help but think with the plethora of material on YouTube, etc, there are so many more examples (good and bad) and material for speech and debate available that it would have made our heads spin back in the day.

      Besides those you mentioned, we also had the music programs as well. Also, while in college we created a regional computer programming contest for HS'ers, although I'm sure that didn't continue, even though I thought it was much better run than the college programming contest we attended in La Crosse.

      1. We do sort of have a music program, but it's mostly cirrucular, and extra-cirrucular opportunities are limited to pep band, which is significantly limited. Growing up, in addition to band class, I was in Summer Marching Band (parades), Fall Marching Band (field shows), Jazz Band 1, Jazz Band 2, and Pep Band. I definitely don't have the capacity to work on starting an improved music program...

    2. Youth rugby starts at 5 in Minnesota with flag rugby. The Older Daughter turned 5 this past spring and started kindergarten this fall. I'd love to get a youth rugby club started out here long run, but realistically just a few "Rookie Rugby" clinics to gauge interest is probably the way to go at first. Looking at the MYR page "Find A Team" page, either interest in the sport has fallen way off in the last 5 years or covid really did a number on the league

      1. Talking with the activities director leads me to think participation rates have dropped everywhere for everything. No idea if that's totally accurate, but the eye test locally bears it out.

        One of our big selling points for speech is that it is a minimal time commitment.

    3. Good for you! It's one thing to sit around and complain, and quite another to get up and do something about it. In small towns, most programs like that are successful because someone went out and pushed for it. Congratulations for being that someone.

    4. Speech and Debate are really good events. I was in speech all four years of high school and in debate as a freshman (sadly, my little school dropped debate after that year). We had a pretty high participation rate (our high school had 32 students when I graduated and we probably had 15 students - or more! - involved. It is a good thing to get in front of people and start talking, be it in a debate, a speech to inform, or a dramatic reading.

      Good stuff, way to go.

      1. It is, but I can't help thinking the FO could do better at vetting injury histories of acquisition prospects.

  2. So the you tube video I talked about a few days back is going to launch next Monday. It is an interview of myself by the author of Restaurant Strong, Peter Lesar. For those who want a sneak peek, here is a link to it.

    Edit: Removed Facebook fluff.

    1. Really nice interview. Congratulations on what you've accomplished with your place. It really is a fantastic restaurant and we will stop in again when we have time.

      1. Thanks boss! I am wondering if this will help launch a side business for me in consulting. I have been heading down that road tentatively, but this may accelerate those efforts.

  3. Do any of y'all play the online OOTP baseball game? Do you have a favorite non Twins historic team ?

    1. I play OOTP Go and regular OOTP in fits & spurts. Some favorite historical non-Twins teams: ‘94 Expos, ‘85 Blue Jays, ‘82 Brewers, ‘71 Pirates, ‘68 Tigers, ‘57 Braves, ‘29 Athletics.

      1. Thanks for the ideas! I'm going to give the 1928 A's a go. The last gasps of Eddie Collins, Ty Cobb, and Tris Speaker mixed in with a young lefty Grove, Jimmy Foxx, Mickey Cochrane, and Al Simmons

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