24 thoughts on “June 28, 2024: Color Coordination”

    1. If I had any entrepreneurial acumen I'd actually get off my duff and make the MN State Flag/sports teams colors mashups and sell them.

      I can especially see them going gangbusters for Vikings fans.

      1. I created this "Black Flag" St. Paul shirt. Not quite the final version, I tweaked the font and image a bit. Thinking of doing other punk rock logo St. Paul shirts. Husker Du and obvious one.

  1. Last night Runner daughter and I took the pups to the park down by the river to hear the municipal band playing in the bandstand. After wicked hot, it was sure nice to have a beautiful evening once in a while.

  2. Tonight a friend, who is a semi-retired car dealership owner, said he has worked in that industry for 46 years. I thought about it and said "Well, I have been slinging drinks and flippin' burgers for 44 years. 44 years. Holy Sh@t! 44 years. In a way, I am that old man who has seen it all. In another way, I feel like I am barely 40 and could still conquer the world! I am briskly walking 45 minutes every morning and another 30 minute some evenings to try to shed some weight and get in shape. Unfortunately that exercise, and my golf addiction, actually seems to trigger my shingles pain. If I stop exercising, my pain goes away. If I do exercise, my pain lingers on 6 or 7 on the 10 point scale. The interweb tells me that if you still have shingles pain after 12 months, you will probably have it the rest of your life. As I type this I feel like someone is holding an electric cattle prod to my left shoulder blade. It is getting to the point that when I do not have pain, I am out of sorts. I am tired of it all. I only type this here, because where else can I guy share this? On a more positive note... business is better than ever and I hired a good friend as a Dining Room manager, so now I can work when I want to. That is huge, because there are days I just can't be at work. I get cranky and that is not good for staff morale. Anyways, if you do happen to stop by the joint unannounced, I may not be here. And that... is absolutely killing me.

    1. Damn, zooms. I'm holding out hope that this will resolve for you. Persistent pain suh-hucks.

      Is it just weight-bearing exercise that triggers it? Or can you bike?

          1. I am an ok swimmer, but have never been one to do it for exercise. I enjoy brisk walks early in the morning the most, as my route is along the lake for half of it, and a beautiful golf course the rest of the way. I do enjoy biking, but I have to load my bike into the pickup and drive to the bike trail. The secondary roads around my neighborhood are death traps (especially in these days of phone distractions) with very narrow shoulders. I used to pop an edible or two at night to help me sleep, but with the exercise now, I can sleep just fine. I would rather not partake in the edibles during day time hours due to the fact that I don't feel sharp at all when I do. On a more positive health note: I believe it's been 5 years now since I quit chewing tobacco.

            1. I try to keep off the highways as much as possible, but it is pretty terrifying when I can't. One time on a back road a field sprayer snuck up on me and I nearly shit my shorts.

            2. Having a dog ensures that I get out and walk at least once a day and that's my preferred exercise. I've always loved biking but only been out for one or two short rides a week so far this summer. Now that I'm pretty used to being on my feet for several hours at a time at the ballpark I'm thinking about getting a standing desk. If you haven't tried CBD you might give it a shot and see what happens, I've had good luck with it for my joint pain.

              1. As a longtime user of a standup workstation, be sure you get a good gel mat to stand on. A necessity.

                (also, don't get a Veridesk; splurge a little, and get a setup that will swing around and can offer you keyboard location below your desk height when sitting. Eye height should be 1/3 down from monitor top, wrists should be below elbows when typing, both standing or when sitting)

    2. Jeebus. Postherpetic neuralgia, caused by nerve end damage. Nerves can self-repair, but it takes a long time. According to Mayo postherpetic neuralgia does eventually resolve for most people. I'm hoping you're not exceptional in that way, brother. Take a lot of vitamin D3, like 5,000 units a day and a good methylated multivitamin to help with B-complex absorption. Anything you can do to help lower your overall level of inflammation is good, and diet is the best place to start. Sugar, refined flours and seed oils are big contributors to inflammation, so are farm chemicals and food additives. Eat a lot of animal protein - meats, fish, seafood, eggs and cheese. Get your carbs from fruits and vegetables. Getting your inflammation down will give your body a better shot at healing on its own, which appears to be about the only medical option available.

      1. Yeah, I am up to about 8 pills a day. Diet - check. Probably the only thing I should do to help that I am not doing is I still have a cocktail or 3 here and there.

    3. Uffda. I’m very sorry the symptoms continue to interfere with enjoying both recreation & working hours. Sending wishes they eventually recede and you can step back into things more fully as you desire.

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