36 thoughts on “August 18, 2024: Texas Sized”

  1. I should be over this after thousands of games watched in my life, but a relief pitcher blowing the starter’s brilliant four-run lead on nine redacted pitches is the kind of thing that ruins my day off.

        1. Alcala's ERA jumped from 2.15 to 3.07 today. Going into this game he had a 1.6 WAR and .913 WHIP. It was a bad day for him to have a bad day, and sometimes baseball just baseballs.

    1. Aggravating end but a solid series nonetheless. Twins won the series and still gained ground on Cleveland over the weekend. That said, Kansas City is also getting close to overtaking the Twins.

  2. Just cuz I can't really write this anywhere else:

    People are dumb. If you want to write "Kamala Sucks" all over the walls in my public restroom because you think she sucks and you want to put her (or any candidate) down.... well, it tends to back fire. For one thing, there are probably fans of your candidate who work for me. They are thinking, man whoever did this is an idiot and they may even start nudging away from your candidate. Any customers coming in (before we clean it all up) who are on the fence, may just swing to the other side of the fence due to your stupid vandalism. I am not forbidden zoning this, as it is more of a comment regarding an idiot than it is a political stance. I would write something similar if it had said "Trump sucks".

  3. Mr. Gleeman posted on X that the Twins have the best record in baseball since their 7-13 start. This amazes me. How is this possible? Injuries have been pretty prevalent. Rotation and bullpen have been nicked up pretty good with a revolving door of replacement parts. Julien and Farmer have both disappointed. As much as strib fans may shudder, I think Rocco should be considered for AL Manager of the Year. Side note: much as Pat Murphy should win it hands down in the NL. I mean, this is a clubhouse that is tight, and I mean tight in a good way. They pull for each other. They live all the cliques like "next man up". I suppose some credit should also go to Correa. He still says Buxton is "the" leader of the clubhouse, but I feel it is Correa and Lopez who are the straws that stir the drink. I am getting '87 vibes from this team. I don't even remotely feel that there is a stud team out there that is unbeatable. They all have flaws. I am paying close attention to this team down the stretch.

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