August 20, 2024: Summer Breeze

Gotta say, I have loved the weather here this summer. I don't recall any long spells of heat or humidity. Just a high of 73 here today, but that is perfectly fine by me.

10 thoughts on “August 20, 2024: Summer Breeze”

  1. I have killed seven yellowjackets (and counting) in my campus office this morning, and my colleague has had four in his. Our windows have screens, so presumably they’re already inside the ceiling somewhere.

  2. I learned working at Firestone that a quick shot of carburetor cleaner will knock wasps right out of the air. I feel chemical warfare is justified when faced with an aerial assault.

  3. This stupid earworm has been nagging at me off and on for months, and I finally nailed it down. Pandora would play it in one of my random stations, and I did not remember the song title or group, but after a while I remembered a partial line about Mars. The thing is barely over a minute long and is in the middle of a suite, as it turns out, but now I can sleep better at night.

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