12 thoughts on “August 29, 2024: Sinking Feeling”

  1. So we're finally back home after five days of moving Elder Daughter and SIL home. We flew out to Portland Saturday morning, helped pack up the pods and cleaned the apartment over the weekend. They have two vehicles, a Toyota pickup and a Cadillac DTS that I drove the whole way back. We did the drive in three legs, Portland to Missoula to Bismark to home. The scenery the first two days was spectacular and we had clear blue skies that just got bigger and bigger as we went along. Yesterday broke cold and cloudy with a stiff wind out of the west and we to an early start so we ended up missing the snowstorm that hit Montana and NoDak yesterday, which is nice.

  2. I saw that the Twins are now 60-60 against non-White Sox.

    I still maintain that one reason for their lack of playoff success is that most of the time, they just weren't that good.

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