January 8, 2025: Last Call

As per usual lately, we were in and out of the Cities during our recent holiday visit. I did carve out a few moments though to have one last drink at the Red Dragon. Amusingly, the guy behind the bar was there for my 21st birthday. Shook his hand and said thanks for the memories (which may be fuzzy depending on how much Wondrous Punch you've had). Gonna miss that place.

3 thoughts on “January 8, 2025: Last Call”

  1. Prescient CoC. My alcoholic employee quit today. I sat him down for the come to Jesus talk before his evaluation (which included a PiP) to make sure he understood the gravity of the situation. He lives in the neighborhood where the Bourbon Street attacker rented (and set on fire) an airbnb. He told me he relapsed over the holiday and fell deeper into drinking after the terrorist attack. I feel many mixed things at the moment. Mostly, I feel sad. (and relief that I didn't have to play the role of bad guy.....). Another reason to hug your loved ones.

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