13 thoughts on “January 20, 2025: Observed”

      1. Our campus is fully closed, but I have plenty of grading and emails to get done today. Teaching asynchronous online classes this Winter term means every day is the same anyway.

    1. I am working. Received a text at 7 am that our dining room was only 60 degrees. So, I had to run in early. Faulty gas valve on one of my rooftop HVAC units. Unfortunately, once the temp drops down to 60, it takes for.... ev....er for it to get back up to 72.

    2. I'm off, but I settled a case by text message yesterday (a first for me) that way scheduled for a hearing on Wednesday-Thursday a little north of Philo's neck of the woods. I just drafted and sent along the settlement agreement to get it locked down...

  1. I'm the only one in the family working today. That's okay. Keep my mind occupied. And it's Younger Daughter's birthday today, so we'll be celebrating that with potato soup and cake this evening (her choice).

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