January 27, 2025: Up In The Air

My company is doing this stupid thing where they're migrating all the data from their physical servers up to the Cloud™. It's this long, drawn out process that's fairly complicated to arrange. The thing is though, they've already said they're going to move everything to a different cloud storage company in the next couple years (which we're already kind of using). I have no idea why we're doing this because not only is this a ton of unnecessary work (and the system we're moving to first really blows), but we just upgraded our servers less than a year ago.

15 thoughts on “January 27, 2025: Up In The Air”

  1. I have the sneaky feeling that right on the cusp of Spring Training the Twins are going to follow the Wolves lead and trade Byron Buxton for a MLB version of Julius Randle

  2. The pho ended up being pretty good, though, as others suggested, probably not quite worth the price and effort. Or, at least not yet. I suspect I'd do significantly better next time, and I'm feeling like the leftovers are going to be fantastic.

      1. same.

        For the record, I wasn't trying to be dismissive of the project, just that I've come to appreciate the limitations of my culinary ability - that and having a number of good to great pho joints nearby puts me in a category of being blessed with options that many are not. CH noted that the dish is malleable and regionally diverse in its country of origin. I've always thought of pho as a choose your own adventure meal and making it at home gives you a million options to try.

        1. I didn't take it as dismissive - and in retrospect, I'd probably give similar advice: it is worth it as an experience if you're willing to put in the time and money (there was significant money shelled out for ingredients here), but if you've got good options around, you should probably take those instead.

          1. there was significant money shelled out for ingredients here

            Heh. This is my kind of thing, spend a fortune making something for the challenge of it only to realize the thing is widely available and costs a fraction of what I spent. See Japanese wooden practice sword(s). One complete, two in progress, none actually used……

    1. Leftover were fantastic. I was able to skim the fat off the broth so it wasn't too oily the 2nd time.

      Also leftover meat was turned into Philly cheesesteaks. Yum.

  3. Just just tried to replace a low beam headlight in my daughter's 2011 Subaru Outback and I want to punch whoever designed that shit right in the dick. You have to basically pull the wheel off and tear out the whole wheel well liner to get go the bulb socket. Can't just pull out the light assembly, that would be way too easy and make actual sense. After half an hour I had to give up because I was trying to do it in the driveway without taking off the wheel and not enough light and there was just no way. Man, what a stupid, stupid setup. I've been sick as a dog for a week now with no end to whatever this is in sight, I'm a week behind at work now and of course Forbidden Zone, Forbidden Zone, Forbidden Zone. Fuck me.

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