looks like it's that time of year...
looks like it's that time of year...
okay, this probably won't turn out quite right, but the results of the "Foot and Ball Guys" draft tonight are below the fold.
you want easy beats? i've got enough easy beats to choke a dozen donkeys.
dr. dog fans should definitely check this out. non-dr. dog fans should definitely check this out.
it's friday! time to let your hair loose!
according to the description, this was recorded in "an attic in south minneapolis". based on that description, there's 4:1 odds i've been in that attic before.
we had a sesame street VHS at the preschool i used to work at with various songs. one rainy day, i saw this track when we put it in (for my first time), and it was then stuck in my head for a number of days. also, happy birffday, O.
(sorry, AMR, but you have to admit this is worth more than 1 star, yes?)
so ends the glut of unibroue and poutine; flying back home today.
more new music. here's the opening track to another impressive debut.
special thanks to rhu_ru for another great guest DJ week.
the critics are going nuts over this album (and i noticed a few citizens were fans of mr. ocean previously), and after listening channel orange all weekend, i can see why.
i don't think this is properly representative of his talents, but it's the best live clip out there for now.