It took me a while to get on board with Mr. Earle's sound, but I'm glad that I did.
It took me a while to get on board with Mr. Earle's sound, but I'm glad that I did.
Live from Austin Texas. Not the greatest sound quality on the video, but still fun to watch.
Here's some blues for today. Nevermind the folk that was up for a second.
All that talk about bands with black in their names made me remember how much I heart the black eyed snakes. Maybe it's just nostalgia for my days in Duluth.
Can it really be that we've never played the black keys at the WGOM? Well, here they are, folks.
A big thanks goes out to philo for sharing his musical journey with us. Now for something totally different.*
*Some coarse language towards the end, so NSFW(ish)
Okay, yeah, this isn't from Jazz Fest, but it would seem that the majority of folks at the track couldn't hold a camera phone steady enough to get a good video of anything. The fest video after the jump. Continue reading Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue – Surburbia
Let's funk it up.
Diamond 2-2 (3.97) Vs. Dempster 2-2 (3.00)
Something clever goes here.
Billy Joel performing one of my old man's favorite songs. "It is Saturday". Hilarious.