A good percentage of my co-workers are either out sick or working sick. Two of us have daughters who just passed through serious illnesses. Is the rest of the country like this, or is it just Arizona?
All posts by spookymilk
January 9, 2014: The Return
I'm headed back to work after a few days of caring for my sick daughter. Work feels like a foreign concept after a few days.
January 8, 2015: Pulling Through
Sour Cream's spots have mostly disappeared and I'm thinking the fever will start subsiding today. Please.
January 7, 2015: Sick or Not?
As I mentioned last night, I'm not sure if I'm sick or just fatigued from taking care of a sick daughter. She is wrecked. I'm staying home today to be with her; I have rarely (never?) stayed home for a sick child but I've never seen anything like this in one of my girls.
January 6, 2015: Scarlet Fever?!
Sour Cream has it. From what I can tell, either people don't know it still happens, or their kid has had it. It's quite a bit more common than I would have guessed.
Oh, Hall announcement today, too. So there's that.
January 5, 2015: Batteries
They need recharging. I need a week off soon here. (I have the time off. Why don't I ever take it?)
January 4, 2015: So Much for the Home Game
Arizona won't be the home team in the Super Bowl. Everyone here predicted the loss, though.
January 3, 2015: Close Call
I typed "2014" up there before I fixed it. So far, so good.
January 2, 2015: Kind of Like “Spoons”
Ah, posting from my phone. I said "remembet" yesterday and I'm sure there are plenty more typos to come.
January 1, 2015: Aging
I remembet, like yesterday, being blown away that the year started with a 2. That wasn't exactly recent.