How was your year? Mine was one of my favorite ever, I think.
All posts by spookymilk
December 30, 2014: Email Zero is a Myth
I still have "year-end" posts and lists in my inbox waiting to be read that are one, two and three years old.
December 29, 2014: Christmas Future
I see this tree sticking around for a while if we aren't careful.
December 28, 2014: Slow Weekend
Are we all still celebrating? I've got a day off if anybody needs me.
December 27, 2014: Inside Man
I see ballplayers in the offseason. It's very strange to hear where they're headed before it's announced.
December 26, 2014: This Too Shall Pass
The Milkmaid's sickness reached its apex last night. I can't believe this is still going on.
December 25, 2014: Shopkinz WOOOOO
Health and happiness to your hearths and homes and whatnot.
December 24, 2014: Drive Safely
The freaks are out, Citizens. We damn near got T-boned yesterday eager shopper, I guess? Ran a red light going at least 20 over the limit.
December 23, 2014: I’m in the Club
Well, I caved and got a smartphone. My previous phone was failing so horribly it sped up the process.
Movie Day
I saw a lot this month - mostly TV. I probably won't have much time to mention it before work, but we'll see.
Of course, the big movie news this month is the whole Sony thing and how a big-budget comedy is now going unreleased.