Lynx are going to the finals! Their 7th finals, most in WNBA history. Definitely the most successful Minnesota sports team.
Category Archives: Cup of Coffee
The “Cup of Coffee” is the daily post where the Citizens are free to chat about whatever they want. Topics that prove sufficiently popular often migrate to their own, dedicated post.
October 8, 2024: Pac-Man Fever
I took the boy to the library and we found out there was an exhibit of the history of arcade games in the lobby. There were about 15 old classic arcade games that you could play for free, so the boy and I played a lot of them together. I even got to play Joust!
October 7, 2024: Donger Fest
Looks like we've got a series in California.
October 6, 2024: Goofs
Well that was unexpected.
October 5, 2024: Payback
The boy keeps asking me to join his dojo. I asked, "you just want a reason to be able to punch me, right?" He was like, "yeah!"
October 4, 2024: 25K
The World's Greatest Online Magazine now has 25,000 posts of half-baked crap.
October 3, 2024: Millennial Anti-Theft Device
I was getting an oil change and the young man who took my key had to come back and ask his manager to pull my car into the bay since it’s a manual.
October 2, 2024: They Are The Champions
Congratulations to ben and TexasTwinsFan, the co-champions of the WGOM fantasy baseball league!
(oh, and suck it, nibbish)
October 1, 2024: Hello, Old Friend
Very happy to see the Random Rewind is back.
September 30, 2024: Rocky Year
It sounds like he's going to stay regardless, but
Fire Rocco?
- No (92%, 12 Votes)
- Yes (8%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 13