Category Archives: Cup of Coffee
The “Cup of Coffee” is the daily post where the Citizens are free to chat about whatever they want. Topics that prove sufficiently popular often migrate to their own, dedicated post.
February 27, 2025: Unintentionally Responsible
Jane and I have no idea how it happened, but Pete is apparently the kind of kid now that is showered and eating breakfast before we even wake up.
February 26, 2025: Pilgrimage
Our office only takes up half the floor in a building of mainly full floor offices. This was a similar arrangement to our last building. And, like the last building, I noticed a particular phenomenon: bathroom tourists. People come from other floors to use our bathroom. They can access them because they're in a common hallway, unlike the dedicated floors. I never do, but I always want to call them out, or at least charge them a resort fee.
Alas, there's not a twentieth month.
February 24, 2025: Ten-Hut
At the local park district pool where the kids take lessons, I do appreciate that, despite the staff being a bunch of teenagers, they do maintain an almost military like attention to lifeguarding discipline while they’re on duty.
February 23, 2025: Sanctuary
I'm not sure why, but the trees in our yard have the majority of the squirrel nests in the area. As it's winter, you can see there's almost none in the trees surrounding around house, but we have about like 7-8 of them. We don't put out food or have gardens for them to plunder, so I don't how we have so many.
February 22, 2025: Tic Tac Toe
My 9th grade algebra tutoring adventure continues! The jalapeno started on factoring trinomials, which I definitely did not recall in any way, shape, or form. But I found a nice video that includes a tic tac toe method for solving that almost seems like magic.
February 21, 2025: Moving Target
Sorry, more packaging complaints.
We don't have the fancy glass stuff, but we do utilize plastic food storage containers you can find at your local grocery store. Naturally, you have to recycle and replace some now and then, but they keep changing the shape of everything so nothing goes together in the cupboard. I suppose that encourages you to give them more of your money, but it's a pain.
February 20, 2025: Have It Your Way
I hate those BK commercials as anyone else, but the estate of Wesley Willis should definitely consider legal action.
February 19, 2025: Muffled
My boss gave me a nice scarf for the Holidays. I just started wearing it recently and am surprised of the difference it makes. There's only one scarf I've worn with any regularity before this, and that was one a dear friend knitted me in high school, which I wore all the time back then. The currently relapse has kept things a little cozier in these cold times.