Hope the Twins can pick up the four game sweep today.
Category Archives: Cup of Coffee
The “Cup of Coffee” is the daily post where the Citizens are free to chat about whatever they want. Topics that prove sufficiently popular often migrate to their own, dedicated post.
August 17, 2024: Swift
As mentioned, reading Shogun took forever. I started reading a normal book and got through a third of it by the evening. That felt better.
August 16, 2024: Ketchup
Ah, I love coming back to work after weeks gone. So fun to see all the piles waiting for you.
August 15, 2024: Light Pollution
Just when my northern neighbors took their backyard mega-bright LCD light display down, the southern neighbors put theirs up.
August 14, 2024: Myopic Biopic
I'm not really a fan of biopics, and especially not the current onslaught of them. I can't really think of one I've seen since like The Doors.
August 13, 2024: Adjustment Bureau
Readjusting back to normal life and Central time. I managed to stay awake around 28 hours or so and went to bed at a normal time, so the sleep schedule could have been worse. Was definitely getting a little loopy at the end there though.
August 12, 2024: Time Travel
Going back is always worse than coming here. I’ll arrive two hours before I left.
August 11, 2024: Heat Dome
I am never ever ever ever coming here in August again.
August 10, 2024: Dick Mountain
Sure, let’s bring the old man back.
August 9, 2024: Reckoning
Hoping the Twins can edge up closer to the Spiders this series.