The “Cup of Coffee” is the daily post where the Citizens are free to chat about whatever they want. Topics that prove sufficiently popular often migrate to their own, dedicated post.
The `rents are coming into town and the forecast looks a little sticky. As such, I'm turning on the A/C for the weekend which I normally don't often do. That made me wonder:
I bought a jar of sliced pickles from the store for the purpose of makin' sammiches. However, I didn't realize that I had bought bread and butter pickles until after I took a bite. Yuck.
Speaking of isolated spots of cicadas, there's a random spot near work that's like driving through an asteroid field. Just like a bunch of random rocks hitting the hull as you drive through.
We haven't really had the cicadas buzzing away around our house, and we've got a decent amount of trees in the neighborhood (six large ones in our yard alone). However I was driving with the windows open next a forest preserve not too far from the house and you could almost feel the noise coming from the woods. Guess that's where the party is.
Well, we’re done now. We’ve got options for Rick, but Pete is going to be harder to deal with. He’ll be going into 8th grade next year, and I don’t feel that’s quite old enough to be by himself all day. We’ll see how this works…