They're looking mighty fine.
Category Archives: Cup of Coffee
The “Cup of Coffee” is the daily post where the Citizens are free to chat about whatever they want. Topics that prove sufficiently popular often migrate to their own, dedicated post.
October 13, 2011: Jason Almost Lives
I had something ready to go about it being Friday the 13th of October. Then I remembered that it's Thursday. Never mind.
October 12, 2011: Sick
I assume I'll wake up pretty sick today, given how things were going when I typed this. Dumb.
I’m Taking Over!
At least for this post. Okay. I'm done with this taking over stuff.
October 10, 2011: No Spoilers, Please
I'll be watching the Breaking Bad finale later today.
October 9, 2011: 0-4
Is this the day the Vikings get over the hump, or is it time to just focus on something else?
October 8, 2011: CS
Rangers vs. Tigers, Brewers vs. Cardinals (1982 World Series rematch!). Who saw that coming? Okay, The Dread Pirate did, but before the season?
October 7, 2011: Yankees Suck
So, the first two teams to go down in the postseason are the two AL East teams. Well, huh.
October 6, 2011: Apple
It's a post-Steve Jobs world. I hear a lot of people bumming about the fact that he was only 56, but who did more with 56? I look forward to the documentaries about him.
October 5, 2011: Chase Field
That was a hell of a game, right?
I don't know, maybe it wasn't. I wrote this two hours before the game.