Appears to be no scheduled today and nature abhors a vacuum. Stay to the end.
Category Archives: WGOM
Miley Cyrus – Party in the U.S.A.
Zuzu’s Petals – Cinderella’s Daydream
Very sad news yesterday that Laurie Lindeen of Zuzu's Petals died unexpectedly. Laurie started the beloved and pioneering Minneapolis band Zuzu's Petals in the late 80's that led the way to other women-led bands. Laurie was a great writer, mentor to other bands, and was beloved in the Minneapolis music community. She will be missed.
Charli XCX – So I
Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds – I Had A Dream, Joe
Where did you go, Joe?
Nick Cave performing on Letterman at all, let alone playing "I Had A Dream, Joe", is just mind blowing to me. He's playing with Paul Schaffer for the love of god! Great showing by the band though.
Wishy – Hard to Kill
Kinky Friedman – Highway Cafe
Faye Webster – Thinking About You
English Teacher – R&B
h/t e6.
Crazy Town – Butterfly
Let's just presume this is NSFW