Jim Frey (1931)
Joe Altobelli (1932)
Jim McKean (1945)
Darrell Evans (1947)
Kevin Kennedy (1954)
Rob Murphy (1960)
Jason Bere (1971)
Chris Latham (1973)
Travis Lee (1975)
Ben Zobrist (1981)
Kevin Mulvey (1985)
Among other things, Jim Frey was manager of Kansas City from 1980-81, manager of the Cubs from 1984-86, and general manager of the Cubs from 1988-91.
Jim McKean was an American League umpire from 1974-2001. He also played in the CFL for five years.
Kevin Kennedy managed Texas from 1993-94 and Boston from 1995-96. He was also a broadcaster for FOX.
Travis Lee was drafted by Minnesota with the second pick of the 1996 draft. However, the Twins failed to make a formal contract offer within the time designated under the Basic Agreement, and Lee was declared a free agent.