Damn it

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Damn it
Well, I declare -- belated RIP Neil Innes, frequent Monty Python collaborator
Jarad Higgins passed away this weekend in Chicago at the age of 21.
Ed Ackerson died over the weekend at the age of 54. Not super well known but if you were a Minneapolis musician, you knew Ed. Sweet guy, great producer, awesome songwriter. Ed was in a bunch of Minneapolis bands including The 27 Various and Polara. Hard to find live stuff, but I was able to find this little gem.
Kim Shattuck passed away after a long battle with ALS. Besides fronting The Muffs, she's played in several bands as well as a brief stint as bassist for The Pixies (those morose motherfuckers thought she was enjoying herself too much).
This one sucks for me. I saw The Muffs open for Veruca Salt way back in the day and instantly fell in love with them. I know I've said this several times, but I got to hang out with these guys once when I was a very young and stupid kid. They couldn't have been cooler and nicer. Thanks, Kim.
Please ignore this very strange and NSFW opening "skit" as well as all the weird camera wipes.
Long time lyricist and unofficial/official member of the Dead Robert Hunter passed away at 78.
24 Nov 1978