May 7, 2011: The Business

Showbiz is sucking my will to live lately. Maybe I'll blog on it later, because although it's depressing, at least you can (and should) laugh and point at my profession.

10 thoughts on “May 7, 2011: The Business”

    1. This book came in the mail the other day. I've got a couple to finish before I get there but I look forward to diving into it.

  1. I'm noting that I'm unable to add a post via the mobile site. If someone's able to help me with that in the next hour or so, I can get something up. If not, then someone's going to have to pinch hit for me. Sorry about the short notice.

      1. That is great. A huge pun, plus mockery of the Donald, is always a winner in my book.

  2. Watching Heat-Celtics, nice to see Dwayne Wade is still a cheating pos, grabbing Rondo while he was falling and pulling him down, causing Rondo to put his hand down and bend his elbow further than it should.

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