Happy Birthday–November 3

Jim McCormick (1856)
Larry Kopf (1890)
Homer Summa (1898)
Johnny Keane (1911)
Bob Feller (1918)
Ken Holtzman (1945)
Dwight Evans (1951)
Larry Herndon (1953)
Bob Welch (1956)
Paul Quantrill (1968)
Armando Benitez (1972)

There do not appear to be any players with connections to the Twins born on this day. It should be noted that Homer Summa is a great name for a ballplayer.

3 thoughts on “Happy Birthday–November 3”

  1. I've mentioned it before, but one of my biggest but trivial regrets of my adult life involves Bob Feller. He was signing autographs at Twinsfest '10, just there in his own vendor's booth, signing for money, but there was no one in line. My companion suggested we stop, but I misremembered the article that Joe Posnanski wrote about him. I thought he was a jerk and likely to be scornful of some youths (in their early 30's) who didn't really know much about him, and also possibly a racist, so I suggested we pass. When I got home, I re-read the Pos piece and realized that I uncharitably misremembered him. Self-important but not scornful. I told myself I wouldn't pass next year, but neither the Feller himself nor the Metrodome roof made it to January.

    1. so, you thought he was a jerk and weren't proud of yourself for never wanting his autograph? 😉 (just doing hj's dirty work today)

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